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REGULAR MEETING <br />ATTEST: <br />�•_ Linda M. Martin, erk <br />SEPTEMBER 15 2010 76 <br />REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 15, 210 <br />The Board of Public Safety met in the regular meeting at 9:40 a.m. on Wednesday, September <br />15, 2010, with Board President Juanita Dempsey, and Board Members Bruce J. BonDurant, <br />Patrick D. Cottrell, Laura Vasquez, and Eddie Miller present. Also present were Police Chief <br />Darryl Boykins, Fire Chief Howard Buchanon and Board Attorney Thomas Bodnar. <br />The meeting was held in the Board of Public Works Meeting Room, 13th Floor County City <br />Building, South Bend, Indiana. <br />ACCEPT MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING <br />President Dempsey stated that unless there were any objections, the Minutes of the August 25, <br />2010 meeting and the Special Meeting of September 2, 2010 would be accepted as presented <br />with the one noted change. <br />ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 58 -2010 — A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF PUBLIC <br />SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND INDIANA ADOPTING A WRITTEN FISCAL <br />PLAN AND ESTABLISHING A POLICY FOR THE PROVISION OF SERVICES TO AN <br />ANNEXATION AREA IN CLAY TOWNSHIP STATE ROAD 23 AND MAPLE LANE <br />ANNEXATION AREA <br />Mr, Jeff Vitton, Community and Economic Development, informed the Board that this <br />annexation was requested by the property owner Leroy Yoder, owner of Garden Homes that will <br />be annexed. The request was made to allow for a change in the zoning to open a Massage <br />Therapy business. It was formally a family structure used as an office. He noted the Board of <br />Works approved the Annexation on Monday and the Common Council would be addressing the <br />zoning at their next meeting. Mr. Vitton stated this small additional area would not require an <br />increase in Police patrol. He noted the Resolution states Fire Station No. 12 will be servicing the <br />area, but it should be No. 12. Mr. Vitton stated that would be corrected. Due to the nature of the <br />business, which is legitimate, he added, the hours of the Massage Therapy business will be <br />limited to 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Mr. Vitton told the Board the cost to the City for this <br />annexation would be approximately $6,000 over five years, and the resulting revenue to the City <br />would be about $18,000. Mr. Vitton informed the Board that the legal description is incorrect <br />and a survey is currently being re -done to correct it before it goes to the Common Council. Mr. <br />Bodnar asked if the entire intersection is included. Mr. Vitton stated they would be annexing the <br />entire right -of -way at the intersection, but State Road 23 is owned by the State so it is a <br />redundant issue. <br />Upon a motion made by Ms. Vasquez, seconded by Mr. Miller and carried, the following <br />Resolution was adopted by the Board of Public Safety: <br />RESOLUTION NO. 58-2010 <br />A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF <br />SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, ADOPTING A WRITTEN FISCAL PLAN AND <br />ESTABLISHING A POLICY FOR THE PROVISION OF SERVICES TO AN <br />ANNEXATION AREA IN CLAY TOWNSHIP <br />(STATE ROAD 23 AND MAPLE LANE ANNEXATION AREA) <br />WHEREAS, there has been submitted to the Common Council of the City of South Bend, <br />Indiana, an Ordinance and a petition by all (100 %) property owners which proposes the <br />annexation of real estate located in Clay Township, St. Joseph County, Indiana, which is more <br />particularly described at Page 13 of Exhibit "A" attached hereto; and <br />WHEREAS, the territory proposed to be annexed encompasses approximately <br />0.15 acres of land containing one structure with a detached garage, which property is at least <br />12.5% contiguous to the current City limits, i.e., approximately 34.2% contiguous, generally <br />located at the Southeast corner of State Road 23 and Maple Lane Ave. It is anticipated that the <br />annexation area will be a message therapy business allowable under "OB" Office Buffer zoning. <br />