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PETITIOle OF <br />SOUTI3 BEND PUBLIC TI2A'.\'SPORTATION/TRAI\SPO <br />SPL-CIAL USE PLTP1SLi_ANT S.J.C.C. CHAPTER ~ <br />AREA BOARD 01= ZONING APPEALS <br />FI'_<'DI1~GS OF FACT <br />1. THE PRPOSF_D SPECIAL USE WILL NOT BE IN JURIUS TO THE PUBLIC HL-ACTH. <br />S.4FET1'_ COMFOP.T. COMMUTTIT~' MORAL STANDARDS_ CONZ'ENIENCE OR GENE-R_AL WLF.4FE <br />BECAUSE: <br />The evidence presented at the Area Board of Zoning .Appeals meeting was in the Board's opinion <br />conflictin~_ and inconclusive. Therefore_ the Board is of the opinion that the Council would be in a better <br />position to hear further clarification and more evidence on this petition. <br />2. THE PROPOSED SPECIAL USE WILL NOT I?~'JURL- OR ADVERSELY AFFECT THE USE OF <br />THE ADJACENT AREA OR PROPERTY VALUES THEREIN BECAUSE: <br />The variance or use shall improve the appearance of the neighborhood and vt~ill not devalue the <br />surrounding properties. <br />3. THE PROPOSED SPECIAL USE WILL BE CONSISTL-NT \~'ITH THE CHARACTER OF THE <br />DISTRICT IN «'HICH IT IS LOCATED AND THE LAND USES AUTHORIZED THEPtEII~' BECAUSE: <br />Conditions on the uropem~ predate the Zoning Ordina_nce_ which creates a different condition for this <br />propem•. <br />4. THE PROPOSED SPECIAL L?SE IS COMPATIBLE- WITH THE RECOMMENDATIO?~'S Or <br />THE- ST .JOSEPH COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN BECAUSE: <br />It is the feeling of the Board that the variance is blending into the overall Comprehensive Plan and is no. <br />deviating from its intent. <br />CONDITIONS or P.EVISIO?~'S: <br />DECISIO?e <br />IT IS THEREFOP.E the decision of this Board that this request for SPECIAL L?SE shall be passed onto the <br />Common Council ~~-ith a: F.4VOR.4BLE RECOlt'I)t'IE'~DATION <br />ADOPTED this 1st Dav of SEPTEMBER, ?010. <br />~'ES NO <br />~ MICH_4EL URBAl~'SI~I <br />~ GER_4LD PHIPPS <br />Bi ROBERT HA~t.'LEY <br />~i R_ANDALL 1\!ATTHYS <br />® JACK YOUNG <br />Gi JOE- \'ELI_EMAN <br />