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REGULAR IVIEETING Al:.]G[]ST ~, ?:4I0 24~ <br />APPR~IVE CC3NSEN"I" TC7 ANNEXATIt)l~l ANL3 WAIVER (~F RIGHTS "I'C] <br />REPvICNSTRATE -- 19887 LiJCiNI~A DRIVE -'WATER <br />1VIr. Crilot stated that the $oard is in receipt of a Consent to Annexation and 'Waiver of Right tt~ <br />Remonstrate as submitted by Ms. Phyllis Bognor, 19887 Lucinda Drive, South Bend, Indiana <br />~lCa6l4. The +Consent indicates that in consideration for permission to tap into ptcblic water <br />system of the City, to provide water service to the above referred to property 19887 Lucinda <br />Drive, h~Is. l3agnar waives and. releases any and all right to remonstrate against or appose any <br />pending ar future anuexatian of the property by the City of 'South Bend. Therefore, Mr, Littr+ell <br />made a ~~aation ghat the Consent be approved. Mr. Inks seconded the motion, which carried, <br />-- FILING 4F SAFETY REPC)RTS - IJEPARTMEN'T (7F Ai.~'BLIC WQRKS <br />Mr. Trey Villa, ~]ivisioax of Engineering. sub~itte~l the Safety Report far .Iuly 2+~1+~. This repart <br />reheats injurie~faccidents far each inanth and provides far a coaz~parisoz~. Mr. Villa Hated there <br />were no inauries far the month of July. There being no further discussion, upon. a motion made by <br />Mr. Limell, seconded by Mr. Inks and carrier], the repearts were accepted ar~d filed. <br />PEEING flF CEItTII=ICA7'E CIF INSURANCE <br />upon a motion made lay.. Mr. Littrell, seconded by Mr. Inks and carried, the Certificates of <br />Insurance far the foIlc~wing businesses were accepted ft~r filing: <br />Irtfrasource Construction, LLC - Glen Ellyn, Itlir~ois <br />Ferguson Enterprises, Inc., Newport News, Virginia <br />Repairmasters, Mishawaka, Indiana <br />Everdry ofl~Iichiana, South Bend, Itadiana <br />'Todd Crowe] Services„ South Bead.,. Indiana <br />RA'T'IFY ~iPPI~OVAL ANDICR. RELEASE CCt`3`l'RACTC3R ANTS E~CAVATIQN 8C)NDS <br />Mr. Aa~thany Molnar, f3iv-ision of Engineering, recommends that the following Contractor and <br />Excavation Bands be ratified pursuant to Resa~lution I4i?-~[14~~ andfar released as follows: <br />Busiusss Band Type ~ppravedl <br />Released E~'ertive Qa#e <br />Balfour I3eatt}r Construction, LLC Contractor Release , Effective May 1, <br />2010 <br />West Michigan Poured Walls, Inc, Contractor A aved August 2, ~I1I ~ <br />Todd Cro~rel Services Contractor A oved Au ust ?, 2~ 10 <br />Concrete lay Dave Contractor A ,roved August 3, eb l ~ <br />Jrase Hernandez Contractor A roved Se ternber 9, ~tJ l f} <br />~ Dewulf Excavatin ,Inc. Excavation I~.elease Septeml3er 9, ~l~l4l <br />` BalFour Qeatty Constr~.ictian, LLC Excavation Release Ma 14, 2+~I0 <br />C:za°kowsl~i Builders Excavation A proved Au ust Z, ~tll0 <br />l4'fr. Inks made a motion that the Bonds approval a~t~dfar release as outlined. above be ratified.. <br />Mr. Littrell secctndecl the motion, which carried. <br />API'R~QVE CLAiIyIS <br />Mr. Inks stated that a retlt~est to pay the following claims in the amounts indicated has been <br />received by the Board; each claim i5 fatly supported by are. invoice; the persan receiving the <br />go®ds or services has approved the claims; and the clarets have been filed with ~e City Fiscal <br />t3#ficer and certified far accuracy. <br />~_... 'A:~yr~~- -- _ ~1,maunt e~f Claim ?ate <br />