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PUBLIC AGEI'~DA SESSI~I~I AIJCaI~ST 5 2~l_(I 22$ <br />..~_.._ <br />~e Publ%c Agenda Session of the Board of Public Works was convened at 141:32. a.rn, on <br />Thursday, August ~, 24)l~, by Board Mertnber I]anald E. Inks with. Board Member Carl P. Gittrell <br />present. Board President 43ary Gilat was absent. Also present was Board Attorney Cheryl <br />i~reene. ffi©ard of Public Works Clerk, Linda M. Martin, presented the Beard with a proposed <br />agenda of items presented by the public and by City Staff <br />C3PI;NING 4~F BIDS - CI-IAPIN STItEF"Ii" STt]ItM SFWIiI~ EX`I'ENSIQN PHASIr II - <br />FR~IJECT ETC). 11~-4152 SEWERAGE ~J4~RKS. <br />'T'his was the date set for receiving anal opening of` sealed bids for the above referred tc~ project. <br />~'he Clerk tendered proof`s of publication of Notice in the South Bend 1"ribune aaad the Tri- <br />C:ounty Dews, which were found to he sufficient. 'T'he following bids were opened and publicly <br />read: <br />R&R EJ!~CAVATING. I~T~. <br />~41I [f Went Avenue <br />ll+iislaawaka. Indiana 46545 <br />Bid was signed by: l4+ir. Wiltiam Loudin <br />Nva~-Collusion Affidavit was in order <br />T+Taa~-I7iscrirrainatian +Comrnitrr~ent form was completed <br />Five percent (5°"/41 Bid Bond was subnraitted <br />BII7: $~b31,7f]3.5£I <br />Alternate I: ~57,84C~.4)0 <br />~t3HN li(l1ETTGHER SEWER & EXCAVATI~F~ I11TC, <br />3305 Itlorth. Home Street <br />MishawaTca, Indiana 46545 <br />Bid was signed. by: Mr. John Boettcher <br />Non-Collusion Affidavit was in order <br />lion-I}isctimination C'amn~itment form was cotnpletecl <br />Five percent (5°l~) Bid Bazt~l was submitted <br />BID; $f51,64T4.flZ <br />Alternate I : ~54),2~ i .88 <br />SELGE C~NST~€~CTI~UN' C~9. IIVC, <br />2833 South 1 I Street <br />Niles, Michigan 44124) <br />Bid was signed' by: Mr. James Bayles <br />Nan-Collusion Affidavit was in order <br />l~ls~n-DiscrIminatian Coanrnitment farm was completed <br />Five percent ~5°.~n) Bid Bond was submitted <br />BID: $555,2G5.45 <br />Alternate l: $4ti,970.4)4l <br />HERRMAN & GOE'~'~ ~2"IC. I3IBfA T~IERGRC3[TI"'~'D SERVi+CES <br />225 South Lafayette Boulevard <br />Svutla .Bend, Indiana 4b54) I <br />Bid was signed by: Nir. fihc~nlas I~~errman <br />l~[on-Gallusion .~4fFidavit was in artier <br />Non-Discrianination Comrnitrnent form was completed <br />