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SPECIr'~,L iyIEETING Jt``IJ~' 2~. ~~~ ~ zzs <br />Lowed, Massachusetts ~ l l~S~ <br />Bid was Signed by: l1rCr. Steven I~Ioo4' <br />?Von-~C°ollusiQn ^~ffidavit was in Order <br />Non-I~isc~rirnir4aton C~+mr~iitrnent Form was ~:onlPleted <br />Iiivc ~ereent (S"/~~ ~3id ~3~rr~d v~~as Subrreitted <br />BID: ~8,718,[?~~.~bt? <br />Lrporr a rr~otion merle by Mr. Littrell, seconded by Ivir. Inks and carried, tl~e above hid.s were <br />referred to Community and Econoniie l]eveiopment frjr review and recornmendation. <br />AD?~~,~I2N PVII~;NT <br />'I`hcre being no further l•SUSiness to came before the Board, ~aiaon a rnotic~ra made lry ltd-. Gilot, <br />seco~xded l,y Mr. Inks and ~:~tzrie~i, tlae ix~eeting ad~o~in~ed at 10:d=~ a.rr~. <br />B~C7~.KI~ GF Pi1BLlC '~'(~R~S <br />_ ~ n <br />Gar ~. 4~iiot, President ~`~ , <br />F <br />~,. ,~ j~/i : a <br />L7vnald. E. Inks, lviercal~e~• <br />r'c.-{/' <br />-RI.''' I <br />+Carl P. Littrell. ]t~.eniber <br />IlT [`EST; <br />,,, <br />