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P~~ I~LIC ~A(~I~iDA ~FSSIt~I'~l JUL'r' ??, ?i) ] [3 `~ I(1M <br />~Dt]I'"I`ED .at a meeti~t~ of the I3narcl oaf Public Works of the. City of Sc~utl~ Bond, Indiana <br />held Qn .Iuly 22, ?010, at 227 West ,Te#fes-son Boulevard; Rac~m 1 x[18, ~c~uth Bend, Indiana <br />~~5fi01. <br />C'ITE' C)Is SC~ikJ1~°I--I FsE3~D <br />l~aAl~13 ()F PL`I3I,IC ~N(7T~i~S <br />s1 Gary ~.iilnt <br />sl Donald Inks <br />s~' Carl Littrell <br />~'1TTE~T: <br />slLinda Martin, Clerk <br />~17(]PT RE~(~LLI d'I[;tN :~IC~. ~7~201 [} - ~?. RFSQLtJTIi~Ir [~l~ THE B~3ARI] CDF PLdBLIC <br />WOI~K~ (~~ TI-IE CITE (~l~ S4]U'1'H B~~I7, IVIaIAIti~.. ~i~`I'IIC)RI711`~'C~ TIIl~ ~'I°ll~l"~FFIt <br />[aF R_~~I~ PRC)PFfLTY 'I~(] ~4LT"l~l-E F~EVI7~ ~IERI`I'.~C~E_I'UR.II~D~'TTfl~I, 1'`~~:. <br />I~pnn a ni~~tian traade ~iy iVlr. Inks, aeco~~ded by lVir. Littrell acid carried, the f~ilo~ving Ites~lution <br />vas adopted by tlzc Beard of Pr~hlic Worl;.s: <br />RFSfli.i<.~['l(~QN iVQ. 47-20I U <br />A l~I;SfIL[~'CiQ~ [3F THE I~HARI~ ~DF >'E'Bi,l(G WORKS <br />QF TH;E C."~TY +QF S(7~~iTH I3El~>C~, ~'~I~Ir",NA <br />AUTHi}R~Z>ll'~G THE TRA~PSFI!1R ~Il~ itEAL I'R[3PER`~'Y T€l <br />5~li.FTI-~ ~3ENIl HEFIi~~'A,CF F~[.~NI~ATI(~}11~, ~IYC'. <br />WHEREAS, the Cityr c~!' Sc~itth lend, Indiana. F3~ard of Public Wrrrks ~tl~e '`Beard"} has <br />c~astociy c~S' ar7d shay ~nantai~~ and clislacse cif ail reall prc~per~t~- ~,wx~ed by tYae City ~f S~oath B~ayd, <br />Yndiana i~tlie "City"} p~z~'suant to I.C, ~G-9-5-3; grid <br />W1t~ERF,AS, South. Bend 7~eritage Faundai.inn, Inc.. [" S[3HF"~ is a nanprc~fit er-tity <br />organized -~nsler the laws v#'the Mate cif Indiana l't~r the pi~rposc oF' susfi~~ini g or expanding tlic <br />e~ci~ting aupply €~f goad quakity, affr~rdablc: housing ~c~r residents o~I` Iadiar~a l~avin~ low car <br />nloderdte i:ncon~es; and <br />W~ERI~;AS, the City is the awrter of the Ct~llnwing described real pr~pcrty situated in St. <br />Jc~sepl~ County, India~ra: <br />Property Aeldress <br />X07 Cottage Grove <br />OOl Cr~ttage Grt~ve <br />1021 W Jef°Cerscn <br />102 ~~~ .leffersor~ <br />1 a27 -aV ~eE'ierst~rs <br />(c+~Ilectivel}~ rcfez•re <br />1Parccl I1'7 <br />01 ~-1072-3i~17~ <br />U i t3-1072-3073 <br />~i -3OG5-'?~1 <br />f1I8-3[1~i8-215 <br />O I S-3 (168 ~2~ 1 ~ <br />d tra as t:he "Deal Fr~-pe~•ty"~; a~tid <br />WI>IEI~E:A~S, the Real Property consists of reside~atial str~fctures lc~eatcd nip each parcel; <br />and. <br />~ERE,A, pursuant tea #.[.. 3u-I-1 #-I(b} ~20~, the City array transfer pre~perty, v~~ithvut <br />Lonsidcrati~n, to an Indiana i~c~nl~rolit corporation organi:~~ci fc~~~ tine purpose ~#' expaa~d€ng 1he <br />supp3}~ or sustaining the ~:xi4ting supply Qf good quality, affordable housing, fur residents c~#' <br />Indiana having low ar rn<~clerate incc~n~es; anal <br />