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PLf~3I:.If' A~'~EI"rTL3~ S1~SIC)'s`~ JLI~.'~ ~~. 20}(1 2D7 <br />The Putal'ic Agenda. Session of the l~erard of Public ~'Vc~rks wvas convener} at 1 [): 75 a.m. can <br />Thursday, July 2~, 20 i 0, by Board President Crat-y A. Cfitnt, with 13caard I1~embers I~ona.ld !/. Ir~sks <br />and Carl P. Littrell present. Alsra present eras Soard Attt~ra~rey Cheryl Greene. I3cyard sat Ptrhlic: <br />Works Clerk, Land~t M,. 1Nartii-~, prescratcd llxe )=ioard with tz prr~posed agenda ~rf items p,reserrtecJ <br />by the public and by City StafJ'. <br />APPI~~vI CIIL±;NGl~ aRO~}~ 1~Q. ~ - ~~~~~~ ~~~~ -~ACKWATER ~A~rE R.EPLACI/1~~FT - <br />PR(]JFCT l~[3. I0~-[~5~ ~WASTEVti~ATIR I3~D't1D] <br />ll~r. Gilot advised that ?1tlr. Tov Villa, ~ngnecrirtg, has stslan~tted Change Order lNra. 2 ors behalf <br />of JCt Bridge Crroula, lr~c., PtJ 13c~~ ~b8, LaPnrte, Indiana, 4635'?, irsdic:ating the Contract zur~sarAnt <br />tae increased by :~a,884.55 for a new Contract surrt,, including this Change fJ>•der, in the ar~rsus-rt <br />r3f ~3t)7,7013.$4. Upon a motion made by Mr. tiilot, seconded lay 1rlr. Inks and carried, the <br />Change (Jrder was aplarovcd. <br />AI'Pl~{]~JAL (7F R BLEST T[~ REJECT BII)5 ~.NLll RF.- L3C3'I'~ - I~Zti`t~]F-.ICY PARK ['tIRR <br />A1~rU Sil]L- WALK PRGJECT - PR~)JF~C'T lea. 110-04f} ._ <br />In a rnemr~rar,ds~rm tc~ the 13aard, 14~r. Pataick 1-lexstltor~t, Enginecr•ir~g, r'etluested permissioxt tra <br />reject al] Lids for ttie above referenced project. II!lr. Ilentltr~rn stated. in Isis n~ernarandunt that <br />~~iotations received were c~tiler the City Purchasing Policy I~mt of 575,[1f~0.(]0 for ~untatir~ns; <br />and there w~, a ciiscrepa:rtcy in the date quotes were due ors the bid. sheet and the Setters sent <br />requesting qucates. Tl~ercfflre, trlac~n a motion trtade by 1~1!r. lr~slcs, seconded lay N1r. ~ilrat anti <br />carried, the- abcve request was approved. <br />ADf7PT RE.S[7L,C ~"l'i~]'l~ NC3. 45-'?Cl I4 - A ~I~S{~LiJTI~3~1 ~ )T' ~I°PIE ~'ITY []F 4r;)[.~TH I3LI~Y~ <br />B{]AT~3 OF PUBI,i[P V~f~RK~ i:.hI1:~TEL~i TC3 AC UI~ITIC}iV [~F PR[JPLRTY ICI TT~k, C1'I'Y <br />C)F SClT1'I'.E~ BE1~1D, I~171A1~fA (WLS`l'ERI~ AVLNtJP' Ah'I~ C)L1VE S`1-I~I=.FT' <br />li°~~'FI~SELTIC3~1 I11rIPRi~V'l~:M~;~TS w <br />iJpost a motion made b~• ~~r. C~ilrat, secatadrYd by Mr. P.ittrell ~1t1d carried, the fallowing <br />Resraiutiara was adapted by the. I3caarsJ of Public.'Works: <br />R~:S(?Ll<]Tlviti lti(}. ~5-2[}IlU <br />A 1~ES+E3L~'I'1€~1\r aF THE L'~TY f}E ~OL~T`H >'~FNU 13~3Ai~D ~I+ PI~BLIC wV()F~S <br />R11JL,ATEID Tf1 Af:~Ur]<SIT)[CDI~ +QrF P1F1L~C111'F7>E~~7TY ~ 'I'HF C~'lt'~' ~~+ S~Yi'TFI ~3~1\D, <br />~.f ~ ~ 1! ~ L~18~ <br />~~7Vesterzr Avenue and Dlave Strr~et rt~tersectic-rt Ir~apraveuter~ts} <br />W~~..A, tl7e City of 4ot~th Bend., Indiana {„`City'~j is a mtknzcipality for purposes rat <br />Indiana Cade §32.-~~-'~-2; and <br />WIII;ItEAS, the City has deterrnine;d that it is necessary to opera, change r~r laytrut a. street <br />located within the City, to-wit; ~~~estern Avenue artd alive Street InturSCC~tion Impr-cave-trterrts <br />~"Project"~, which Pxojeet will seri~e a public pr7rlacase, 1~rr of heneirt tea the 1-tealth or genera! <br />wel!°dre of the tuyit, and be in tlre~ best interest. sat the citizens of the City.;. and. <br />WT~P:RFAS, pursuant to Ir~.d.iana Code ~3b-~-6- 3 aa~sl ~Iradia$~a Code. ~3~--24--2-4, the <br />City of Sotxttt. Bend, Irrdiarta, Board cif Public ~'Vorlts {"B©ard'') i5 the entity vested vsfith the <br />authrarity oral power tea acct tire, receive, manage and care for- the property of the City and t+~ <br />construct tl~e Proje~-tA rstxd <br />WNERE,~S, in carder to properly cr~rnlalete the: F'r-oject it is rsecessary to acquire and tl~e <br />'~rt11 wants t~C} aCCflrlr@ r3erInancni rii=}lt C]!~~u~~ n#` nar,r~lt ac eF~t Fr.rCr, 1., ~'.rl.:l.~., t~.~ r .~ ~ _--_e n. <br />