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REGULAR. MEETING JUI_.Y 12, 2010 195 <br />Kelly, Inc., 24358 SR 23, Saut11 Bend, Indiana 46614, in the amount of $2,035,220.50. <br />Additionally, the Canstnzctian Contract was srbmitted far approval.. Therefore, Mr. Inks made a <br />rnoti~n that the recomrner~dation be accepted anal the bid be awarded and. the Construction <br />Contract approved as outlined above.. Mr. Littrell seconded the motion, which carried. <br />AWARD BII~ ANa AAFRaVE C`[]NST,RTJCTI[~N C[9t~JTRACT- BARTLETT STREET <br />PARKING STRUCTURE FA AQE REt<GOVATICN -- PRUJECT Na. 110-027 MEMORIAL <br />MEDICAL TIFF <br />IVIr. Rab Nichols, Engineering, advised the Board that on June 28, 2010, bids were received and <br />opened far the above referred to project. After reviewing those Kids, Mr. Nicl~tals recarnrnends <br />that the Board award tyre corrtract to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder Ziolka4vski <br />Construction, Inc., 1005 South Lafayette Boulevard, South Bend, Indiana 466[]1, in the amount <br />of $690.00t?.00. Additionally, the Construction Contract was submitted for approval. Therefore, <br />Mr. Inks made a n-roton that the recornr~tendatian be accepted and the bid be awarded and the <br />Construction Contract appro~=ed as outlined above, Mr. Littrell secrrr~ded the rrrc~tios~, which <br />carried. <br />APPROVE CHANGE. ORDER N~}. l - PRIMAI~~' CL~4RII=ICATI+ON SCi.]M ~ GREASE <br />REMCtVAI~ MCy1~1FlCATTC~NS - I'R()JEC"T NO. 109-069 SEWER B{JNI3 <br />Mr. Gil~at advised that. Mr. Toy Villa, Engineering, has suIā€¢iniitted Change Urder Na. I an behalf <br />of IZ.E. Crosby, Inc.., 2805 Fr`eetrran Street, Fort Wayne, Indiana 46802, indicating the Contract <br />amount be increased by '$3,654.[70 for a new Contract s~~nx, including this ~"iiange C7rder, in tl~e <br />amount of 5280,954.{70. Upon a motion made by Mr. Inks. seconded by Mr. Littrell and car-r-ied, <br />the Cl~an~;e Order was approved. <br />APPRC7VE C'1-IANGE QRDER 1`x+0. 4 - EMI3E[7DED SET~+IS~R CSCI MQvITORING <br />PROJECT PI-1A5E l1- PR®JEC'T' N~7. 109-I119 ISRF~ <br />Mr. Gilot advised that Ms. Thia V~rwter, Engnecr7ng, leas subrT~itted Change ~7rder Na, 4 ors <br />behalf of FIRP Construction, Inc., 5777 Cleveland Raad, Post Oftice I3ax 266, South Bend <br />lndiana 4662.4-0266, indicating the Contract amount be increased by $3I,606.38 f~~r a new <br />Contract sun1, including this Clran;ge Qrder, in the anloernt of $2,125, l 58.62. Mr. Gilat rioted the <br />arnorrr~t of the increase on the agenda of $31,6(]8.38 was incorrect. Therefore, upon a rnotian <br />made by Mr. Gilc~t, seconded by Mr. Inks and. carried, the Change Clydcr was approved'. <br />APPRUVE CHANGE flRI=}ER N4S. 4, 5, &~ 6 -TRAFFIC SIGNAi. MGI~ERNIZATI~N <br />~MISHAWAKA AVENUE) - PRC)JECT NC}. I08-065 fFHWA) <br />Mr. Gilot advised that Ms. Thia Vawter, Engineering, has submitted Change Order Nc,s. 4, 5 & 6 <br />on behalf of Michiana Contracting, Inc., 7843 Lilac Raad, P.O. Box 929, Plymouth, Indiana <br />46563, indicating. the Contract amount be increased as described below: <br />A. Chanle Qr°der Na. 4 <br />1. Increase Amount: $520.52 <br />2. Percent of Increase; 0.096%° <br />3. New Contract Amount: $541,7 i 9.91 <br />B. Change C}rder No. 5 <br />1. Increase Amount. $14,256 <br />2. Percent of Increase. 2..64°1° <br />3, New Contract Amount: $555,450,39 <br />4. Funding.: FHWA <br />C. Change Qrder I~Io. 6 <br />1. Increase Amount: $63.20 <br />2. Percent of Increase: 0.012°/n <br />