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Pt/II3LIC AGENDA SESSIGN <br />.IL1L`~ 8.2IJ1 [1 l9l <br />versus six or ten-inch should ire more, not less. Mr. Henthoz`n stated he would investigate <br />the pricing, f~iz-ther, and suggested tabling the Board-s consideration of the change order- <br />Change C}rdez- No. 4 - Ernbedded Sensor CS(~ Mozaitoring Project,. Phase ll -Project No. <br />1019-~ 19 <br />Mr. Patz-ic.k I-Ienthcarrp, Engineez~ing, stated this change order is basest can three separate pay <br />itcrns subtttittcd dzze to several unforeseen ciz-cumstances. <br />Ms, Conc. was instructed to post the agenda and notify the media and other persons, wtlo have <br />requested notice of the. zrzecting agenda. No othr;r lausiness carne before tl7e. Board. Tlae meeting <br />adlcaurned a;t 11:45 a.m. <br />13+~JARD GF PUt3LIC WGRKS <br />~~ ~~ _ <br />Gary A. Gilot, President <br />~' F ~ ^~ <br />D Wald E. Inks, Member <br />Cart P. Littz-e11, ivlember <br />ATTEST: <br />F <br />r ~.' T <br />~`-,-~-~i ~dda Ml`.-°~'tartin, C'1 rk / <br />REGULAR MEETING <br />J ~J L'~' 12, 20 l <br />The regular aneeting of the Board of Public Works was convened at 9x32 a,zn. on Monday,. July <br />12, 2~11I}, lay Board President Gary A. Gilot, with Soard 1'vtembers Dionatd E. Inks and Carl P. <br />Littrcll pz•esent. Also present was Board Attoi~cy Cheryl Crrecne. <br />PUBLIC HEARING - RESQLUTIC~N N+C1. 38-201(} - PRGP+C7SEI) EXERCISE Of' EMINENT <br />DCIMAIN ~LtJT 96 & 98 - f-tt1RTI~~A?~(& MILLER"S ADL?ITIDII~I] <br />Mr. Gilot advised that this was the date set for the I~oarcl"s Public Hearing concez'zzin~ the <br />Proposed Exercise of Eminezzt Domain for Lots 9b & 9$ in the I~-Iartzxzan 8~ Miller's Addition. <br />This property is needed for ttze lJddy Kzlolls right-of-way street. irnproven~ents project, which <br />will serve a public puz-posy:, be of benefit to the health or general welfare of the unit, and be in <br />the best interest of the citizens of the City.. Assistant City Attorney, Larry Metever stated the two <br />property owners were present and wished to be heard, but their attorney was running late. E-le <br />requested tl7e Board carne back tea the Public l--teax-iz~g once their attorney arrived. The t3oard <br />temporarily closed the Public Hearing, <br />Mr. James Masters, Attorney for the property owners, arrived at 9.4~ a.m. and the Public <br />Hearing. vas once again opened. Mr. Masters stated he was representing tla~e two property <br />owners, Mr, N. Wayne Curry, Jr., I X50 Bums Avenue, and Mr. Samuel Kariuki, I (ISfa Bums <br />Avenue, South Bend, who wished to remonstrate against the proposed taking of their properties.. <br />Attorney Larry Meteiver nfiaz-rned those present that on June 14, 2[108, the; Soard appz-oved <br />Resolution No. 38-2(]I0, Proposed Exercise of Eminent Domain. He noted there are three lets <br />needed for the development of the public z-ight-of--way for the proposed Eddy Knolls Street <br />