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5 Criteria (per IC 36-7-4-603): <br />1. Comprehensive Pian: <br />Land Use Plan: <br />The Land Use Plan makes no specific recommendation for the area. <br />2. Current conditions and character: <br />The rezoning is approximately 12 acres of a 55 acre site being annexed into the City of South <br />Bend. The remaining portion will be designated "SF1" Single Family and Two Family District <br />and developed as asingle-family subdivision. <br />3. Most desirable use: <br />~ The most desirable use is single-family/ duplex development. <br />4. Conservation of property values: <br />The surrounding single-family property values may be unaffected with the rezoning. <br />5. Responsible development and growth: <br />It is responsible development and growth to allow residential developments. <br />Recommendation: <br />Based on information available prior to the public hearing, the staff recommends that the petition <br />be sent to the Common Council with a favorable recommendation. <br />Analysis: <br />The rezoning is an extension of and compatible with the northern "PUD" Planned Unit <br />Development district. The Southfield development to the north is a mixture of single-family, <br />duplexes, and medical related uses. <br />LLE Real Estate, an Indiana LLP <br />#2398-06 <br />Page 2 of 2 <br />