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COUNTY-CITY BUILDING <br />227 W.JEFFERSON BOULEVARD <br />SOUTH BEND, IN 46601 <br />PHONE 574-235-9216 <br />FAx 574-235-9928 <br />CITY OF SOUTH BEND STEPHEN .1. LUECKE, MAYOR <br />OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE <br />GREGG D. ZIENTARA, CITY CONTROLLER <br />July 21, 2010 <br />Mr. Derek Dieter <br />President, South Bend Common Council <br />4th Floor, County-City Building <br />South Bend, IN 46601 <br />Re: Ordinance Appropriating Additional Funds for Water Works Sinking Bond Fund within the City of <br />South Bend <br />Dear President Dieter: <br />The Common Council adopted the 2010 budget with passage of Common Council Ordinances #9957-09 <br />and #9992-09, which included expenditures for various City operations. It is now necessary to appropriate <br />additional funds for operational expenditures necessary for the City to effect provision of services to <br />citizens which were not foreseen at the time the City budget was adopted. <br />Attached you will find the ordinance for this purpose and attachment providing details to all requested <br />budget increases and reductions. The net dollar appropriation of this ordinance is $80,300, with <br />explanation as follows: <br />Fubd #625 Water Bond Sinking 80,300 Interest expense for 2009 revenue bonds series A <br />and B underestimated in original budget /budget <br />prepared in August /bond closing in September <br />The attachment detail is incorporated into the ordinance itself and made a part thereof. <br />This ordinance to the Common Council at its Committee meeting and at the public hearing will be <br />presented by Gregg Zientara. <br />Sincere) , <br />Gregg D i ntara <br />Control) for the City of South Bend <br />F'f;~' a ~~ ~~CS"si'S C'a~S1r8 <br />J U L 2 1 2010 <br />JOFitd VOOROE <br />CITY CLERK, S0. BEPiD,1N. <br />