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Task 2 -Concept Plan Development: <br />This task will include a survey field review of the project site. The items reviewed may <br />include existing drainage patterns, potential utility conflict areas, existing municipal or private <br />infrastructure, and potential easement or right of way needs. <br />It is anticipated that during the progress of this task, CBBEL will meet with the City staff and <br />other necessary local representatives to discuss the conceptual plan. The purpose of the <br />meetings will be to discuss and approve plan elements to accomplish project goals prior to <br />initiating full design services. A maximum of three meetings have been included in the <br />proposed fee. <br />CBBEL staff will utilize the survey, available aerial photography, GIS data, and meeting <br />comments to develop conceptual plans for the scope described above. <br />Upon receipt of approval from the City, CBBEL will proceed to the Full Design Task. <br />Task 3 -Full Design Services <br />CBBEL will coordinate with the utility company representatives to identify potential utility <br />relocation needs. This task will include the distribution of the preliminary design plans to <br />affected local utilities. information gathered during this task will be shown on the final <br />construction plans. <br />It is anticipated that during the progress of this task, CBBEL will meet with the City staff and <br />other necessary local representatives to discuss the progress of the design. A maximum of <br />two meetings have been included in the proposed fee. <br />CBBEL staff will design and prepare final construction documents for the project. Plans and <br />specifications will be prepared in accordance with City Standards and Specifications. Plans <br />will be developed using base sheets provided from the topographic survey. The project will <br />consider design features to address the requirements of the regulatory agencies involved <br />with this construction. <br />Specifications will be developed utilizing standard specifications and general conditions <br />provided by the City in addition to CBBEL standard specifications. Applicable conflicts will <br />be brought to your attention for your input. <br />CBBEL staff will provide an opinion of probable cost based on the final construction plans. <br />This opinion will be based on the judgment of CBBEL engineering staff, supplemented by <br />local construction project history information provided by the City. An itemized list of the <br />estimated quantities or work units required to complete the job will be included. <br />Task 4 -Rule 5 Permit: <br />A Rule 5 permit (IDEM) will be required for this project. CBBEL will prepare the submittal <br />package and required documentation including the publication of legal notice in a local <br />newspaper. The package will be provided to the City for signature and submittal to IDEM. <br />Christopher B. Burke Engineering Ltd. City of South Bend: Ireland and Miami Corridor Improvements <br />01.P100167.00000 Page 2 <br />