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any amount of money due hereunder) as the result of: (a) an act or omission of the other party; or (b) any other cause <br />that is not within the control of the delayed or prevented party (including, without limitation, inclement weather, the <br />unavailability of materials, equipment, services or labor, and utility or energy shortages or acts or omissions of <br />public utility providers); then: (A) such observation or performance shall be excused for the period of the delay; and <br />(B) any deadlines for observation or performance shall be extended for the same period. <br />14.1?. Counterparts. This Lease may be executed in separate counterparts, each of which when so <br />executed shall be an original, but all of which together shall constitute but one and the same instrument. <br />14.13. Successors and Assigns. Except as otherwise expressly provided herein, this Lease, and all of the <br />terms and conditions hereof, shall inure to fl1e benefit of, and be binding upon, the respective heirs, executors, <br />administrators, successors, and assigns of Landlord and Tenant. All indemnities set forth herein shall survive the <br />Termination Date. <br />14.14. Authority. Each person executing this Lease represents and warrants that: (a) he or she has been <br />authorized to execute and deliver this Lease by the entity for which he or she is signing; and (b) this Lease is the <br />valid and binding agreement of such entity, enforceable in accordance with its terms. <br />14.15. Exculpation. If there is a breach or default by Landlord under this Lease, Tenant shall look solely <br />to the equity interest of Landlord in the Premises and any rentals derived therefrom; provided that in no event shall <br />any judgment be sought or obtained against any individual person or entity comprising Landlord. <br />14.16. Equal Opportunity Obligation. Tenant agrees not to discriminate against any employee or <br />applicant for employment, to be employed by Tenant with respect to his or her hire, tenure, terms, conditions or <br />privileges of employment or any matter directly or indirectly related to employment. because of his or her race, <br />color, religion. sex, handicap, national ori~~in. or ancestry. Breach of this covenant may be regarded as a material <br />breach of the Lease. Tenant further agrees execute and deliver an affidavit attesting to the terms of this provision in <br />the form set forth at Exhibit G. <br />14.17. Anti-Collusion Requirement. By executing this Lease. Tenant certifies that it has not, nor has any <br />member, employer, representative or agent of its tlrm. directly or indirectly, entered into or offered to enter into any <br />combination, collusion, or agreement to receive or pay. that it has not received nor paid any sum of money or other <br />consideration for the negotiation and execution of this Lease other than that which is set out herein. Tenant further <br />agrees to execute and deliver an affidavit attesting to the terms of this provision in the form set forth at Exhibit G. <br />