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(b) Definition of "Indemnify." The terns "Indemnify," as used throughout this Lease, shall mean that <br />Tenant shall indemnify Landlord, save it harmless and, at Landlord's option and with attorneys approved u1 writing <br />by Landlord, defend Landlord, and its contractors, agents, employees, members, managers, officers, and <br />mortgagees, if any, from any Loss arising out of the condition specified in the particular indemnity provision. <br />(c) General lndemnity. Except for loss, injury or damage caused solely by the willful misconduct of <br />Landlord, its employees, contractors, or agents, Tenant covenants to Indemm~ify Landlord for any Loss in connection <br />with or arising from any use or condition of the Premises or occasioned wholly or in part by any act or omission of <br />Tenant, its agents, contractors, employees, licensees, invitees or visitors, occurring on or about the Premises and in <br />the case of Tenant, its agents, contractors or employees occurring on or about the Building. Except for loss, injury <br />or damage caused by the negligent acts or willful misconduct of Tenant, its employees, contractors, invitees, <br />licensees, visitors or agents, Landlord covenants to Indemnify Tenant, and save it harnless, from and against any <br />and all claims, actions, damages, injuries, accidents, liability and expense, including reasonable attorneys' fees, in <br />connection with or arising from, or occasioned wholly or in part by, any act or omission of Landlord, its agents, <br />contractors or employees occurring on or about the Building, excluding the Premises. <br />(d) Covenant to Hold Harmless. Landlord shall be defended and held harmless by Tenant from any <br />liability or claims for damages to any person or any property in or upon the Premises unless caused by the willful act <br />of Landlord, including but not limited to the person and property of Tenant and its officers, agents, employees, and <br />shall pay all expenses incurred by Landlord in defending any such claim or action. including without limitation <br />attorney fees of Landlord and any judgment or court costs. All property kept, stored or maintained in the Premises <br />shall be so kept, stored or maintained solely at the risk of Tenant <br />The Landlord shall not be liable for damage caused by hidden defects or failure to keep said Premises in <br />repair, and shall not be liable for any damage done or occasioned by or from plumbing, gas, water, steam, or other <br />pipes, or sewerage, or the bursting or leaking of plumbing or of any plumbing or heating fixtures or waste or soil <br />pipe existing in comlectiou with the Building or Premises. nor for damage occasioned by water, nor for any damages <br />arising from negligence of co-tenants or other occupants of the Building, or the agents, employees or servants of any <br />of them, or of any owners or occupants of adjacent or contiguous property. <br />The Landlord shall not be liable for any injury to the Tenant, its employees and agents or any other person, <br />occurring on said Premises, irrespective of whether said injury is caused by a defect in said Premises or by reasons <br />of said Premises becoming out of repair or arising from any other cause whatsoever, and the Landlord shall not be <br />liable for damage to Tenant's property or to the property of any other person which may be located in or upon said <br />Premises and the Tenant agrees to indemnify and save harmless the Landlord from any and all claims arising out of <br />injuries to persons or property occurring on said Premises. <br />8.7. Release of Subrogation. Each party hereto does hereby release and discharge the other party from <br />any liability, which the released party would have had (but for this section) to the releasing party, arising out of or in <br />connection with any accident or occurrence or casualty: (a.) wlvch is or would be covered by a fire and extended- <br />coverage policy with vandalism and malicious mischief endorsement or by a sprinkler leakage or water damage <br />policy. regardless of whether or not such coverage is being carried by the releasing party, and (b.) to the extent of <br />recovery under any other casualty, which accident, occurrence or casualty may have resulted in whole or in part <br />from any act or neglect of the released party, its officers, agents or employees; and insofar as Tenant is the releasing <br />party. it will also release the other tenants in the Building from any such liability as if the other tenants were each a <br />released party under this section. Notwithstanding anything contained in this Lease to the contrary, Landlord shall <br />not be liable for any dama~~e to person or party arising from the negligent act or omission or willful misconduct of <br />any other tenant or occupant of the Building. and Tenant hereby expressly waives any claim for such damages. <br />8.8. The Tenant will not allow said Premises to be used for any purpose that will increase the rate of <br />insurance thereon. nor to be occupied in ~~•hole or in part by airy other person. <br />