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South Bend Redevelopment Connnission <br />Regular Meeting -August 6, 2010 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (CONT.) <br />A. South Bend Central Development Area <br />(1) continued... <br />Mr. Varner said he also prefers to use a local <br />firm, but feels like the amount of money <br />involved is small and he'd like to see the job <br />done promptly. <br />Mr. Alford asked how soon it would be clear <br />whether the quote would change. Mr. Inks <br />responded that it should not take long. The <br />two dry wells under the parking lot are where <br />the problem might be. The recommendation <br />is that at those dry wells we should go down <br />about twelve inches and snake repairs before <br />paving over them. Also, a wall is to be <br />removed at the edge of the lot. Depending <br />on whether the wall sits on the sidewalk or <br />on dirt, the parking lot may need to be <br />extended some to cover that void. <br />Ms. Spivey was intrigued to learn that the <br />Commission preferred to hire local <br />contractors. She asked how that factor is <br />weighed. Ms. Jones responded that we <br />cannot weigh factors like that. The only <br />reason we may be able to re-quote this at all <br />is because the scope of services has changed. <br />The bids may or may not come in differently. <br />Mr. Downes made a motion to re-quote the <br />job and allow staff to accept the lowest <br />resultin~~ bid as lone as it doesn't exceed <br />$12,000. Mr. Alford seconded the motion. <br />The motion can-ied unanimously. <br />(2) Resolution No. 2743 related to acquisition <br />of property located at 502 Western <br />Avenue. (Harmon Glass) <br />COMMISSION ASKED STAFF TO RE-QUOTE THE <br />PAVING JOB AND AUTHORIZED STAFF TO ACCEPT <br />THE LOWEST QUOTE IN A NOT TO EXCEED <br />AMOUNT OF $12.000 <br />5 <br />