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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting -August 6, 2010 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (CONT.) <br />B. Airport Economic Development Area <br />(9) continued... <br />$124,900, $99,900, and now to $95,000. The <br />purchase price agreed to between the parties <br />is $85,000. <br />In addition to the purchase price of the <br />building, certain minor improvements are <br />needed. The building was a grocery store <br />with large windows on the front. The club <br />would want those bricked up. They want <br />privacy fencing like they have at their cuiTent <br />location, and a small gravel parking area <br />needs to be paved. These improvements <br />have been estimated at $31,000, Hell's <br />Angels is requesting the Commission cover <br />the first $12,000, plus $61,000 toward the <br />purchase of the building. Staff feels the <br />relocation assistance request is reasonable <br />and asks for approval. <br />Upon a motion by Mr. Downes, seconded by <br />Mr. Alford and unanimously carried, the <br />Commission approved the Staff report on <br />Administrative Settlement for 807 W. <br />Indiana Avenue. (Hell's Angels) <br />(10) Proposal for engineering services related <br />to relocation of properh~ o~~~ner at 807 W. <br />Indiana Avenue. <br />Mr. Relos noted that staff has solicited a <br />proposal from Danch, Harner &. Associates <br />for relocation efforts for Hell's An~zels at 807 <br />W. Indiana Avenue. This private club is <br />located in the area on the north side of <br />Indiana Avenue, which has been targeted for <br />the expansion of Ignition Park. <br />COMMISSION APPROVED THE STAFF REPORT ON <br />ADMINISTRATIVE SETTLEMENT FOR 807 W. <br />INDIANA AVENUE. (HELL'S ANGELS <br />20 <br />