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I4OO COUNTY-CITY BUILDING <br />227 W.,JEFFERSON BOULEVARD <br />$OLII'F{ BEND, INDIANA 46601-1830 <br />Pk{ONE 574/ 235-9241 <br />FAx 574/235-9892 <br />TDD 574/ 235-5567 <br />CITY OF SOUTH BEND STEPHEN J. LUECKE, MAYOR <br />DEPARTMENT OF LAW <br />CHARLES $. LEONE ALADEAN M. DEROSE <br />CITYATTORNEY March 10, 2006 CHIEFASSI.STANrCITYATTORNEY <br />Mr. Timothy A. Rouse <br />President, South Bend Common Council <br />4''' Floor, County-City Building <br />South Bend, IN 46601 <br />Re: Amendment to Chapter 2, Article 18 of the South Bend Municipal Code to Set and Adjust Fees <br />for Documents and Services <br />Dear Mr. Rouse: <br />Enclosed you will find an amendment to Section 2-210(a) of the South Bend Municipal Code. <br />It is unchanged except for items 10, 13, and 21. <br />In item 10 there is now a provision fora $2.00 service fee plus outside costs if the City must <br />use outside resources to reproduce the videotapes. The Police Department will continue to process its <br />videotapes when requested. However, the Department of Code Enforcement does not have the <br />equipment to make their own videotapes to deal with their infrequent requests. <br />IC 16-39-9-3 calls fora $15.00 minimum fee for producing EMS Reports. The substantial <br />amount of time expended in connection with an EMS Report justifies the $15.00 fee. <br />The one new item is item 21, a processing fee to be paid to the Police Department prior to the <br />release of a tow. This fee will apply only in cases in which the Police Department initiates the tows, <br />not those performed by Code Enforcement. It will not be imposed in those cases in which the car <br />owner selects his own tow company after an accident. The amount does not reflect time at the scene, <br />but the reimbursement for the cost of work done at the front desk, by the Police Department inspecting <br />the storage lots, and in the communications center. <br />I will present this ordinance to the appropriate Council Committee and to the full Common <br />Council. <br />Very truly yours, <br />L. Bodnar <br />Assistant City Attorney <br />TLB/cw <br />}~d in ~~~t~t';~ ®~fice <br />APO 1 92000 <br />J4~1!7 VOORD@ <br />CITY Gi.I:1K, ~0, 8 ~`~A, IN. <br />THOMAS L. BODNAR CHERYL A. GREENE ANN-CAROL NASH <br />JEFFREY M. JANKOWSKI SHAWN E. PETERSON JEFFREY L. SANFORD JOHN E. BRODEN <br />