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<br />t" <br />TRI-COUNTY NEWS, INC. <br />POST OFFICE BOX 6666 <br />' SOIJ'TH BEND, INDIANA 46660-6666 <br />(219) 287-0285 <br />Fax: (219) 282-1716 <br />PROOF OF PUBLICATION <br />State of Indiana, St. Joseph County, ss: <br />Personally came before me, the undersigned, Jason Jolly, Office Manager of the <br />TRI -COUNTY NEWS; that he is authorized to make this affidavit in it's behalf; <br />that the TRI-COUNTY NEWS is a public newspaper of general circulation printed <br />and published in the English language in the City of South Bend, in the aforesaid <br />county and state; that a notice of which the copy attached hereto is a true and correct <br />copy, was published~in said newspaper. <br />~... <br />1 t me(s), the date of publics on being as follows: <br />11-29-96 <br />Fce S 20.37 <br />Subscribed and sworn to before me this 29th day of <br />November, 1996. n. <br />Lisa J. Andrysiak, Notary Public <br />Resident, St. Joseph County <br />My Commission expires February 7, 2000 <br />COPY OF <br />aq ~~~'` <br />Nottee b hereby aiea the ei:iaeas ersomh <br />Bmd, StJoaephComty, fidima,thattheCmr <br />~mmComeO orthe Cuyo[Sonth Bead,lodimy <br />m ~ ~~ ~~n ~,,e ZINT <br />Baitd'mj, 727 WeatJeffenm Boolerard Seeth <br />Bend Lima, m NDAY, DHCFMBPR 9, <br />1996w~71ho1dat7:0 pm.aPnblieHettiasm <br />the [ollowitq PoaP~ ~~ <br />BHLN .96.96 <br />AN ORDINAN ROPRiATII~IO <br />S36,000ltHC$IVFDFR 7HHBCONOMIC <br />DHVIIAPMBNI' ADMINISiRATiON NDR <br />SPHCIAL II10?ACT OBOCIRAPHIC ARHA <br />Pt:AtaxB~tG wctTVrrms FOR TIBI PRO• <br />GRAM YBAR BBCi1NNIN0 JANUARY 1, <br />1997 - <br />BII1.N0.91-96; ~- ~,. <br />. AN' ORDINANCE, APPROPRIA'TII~iO <br />396000.00 RBCBIY6DFROM-THHU,S.D& <br />PAR7MHNr OP HOtJSINO AND URBAN <br />DHVBLOPMBN7'•s BbB3ROHNCY sFB34 <br />THRGRAarrs PROGRAM <br />BH1. N0.99-96 <br />AN ORDINANCE APPROPRiATBVO <br />33,934,000 PROM TFB3 ODMMUNIiY DB- <br />VHWPMBNT BIACKORANrPUND POR <br />THB PtJRPOSH OF DHPRAYBdO TH8 ID4 . <br />P@1SHS OFtTHB DBPARTMBNTOPCOM- <br />MUNrI'Y AND HCONOMlC DHVHLOP- <br />MF-NT OF TIC CC[Y OP SOtrrH'BHND, <br />INDIANA, AND • ~ "^DBSIONATHD , <br />SUBGRANTHriAOHNCIB$PORTHBPRO- <br />GRAM YHAR BH0E1NQd(J JANUARY 1, <br />1997, TO BH ADMBdLS7FRHD'fI1ROUGH <br />71>BDPPAR7MEN['OFCOMMIJNri'YAND <br />ECONOMICDBVBI,OPI~ffiNl' ' <br />BB.LNO:100.96: _ . <br />- AN ORDINANCE TRANSPHRRJNO <br />343379 AMONO VARIOUS ACt70UNfS <br />WrI'HINTIIB DEPARTMFa1TOF0030~RJ- <br />NITYAND EODNOMIC DHVHIAPy1HDir <br />BBLNO:101-96~• ~• <br />AN ORDiNANC8T0 VACATBTl1$iV[. <br />IAWiNODTiS PROPHR7Y: <br />TH6 FIRST N TH•SOpTH'ALLBY <br />IiASTOP HVOIEWO 1)PLACBPROOATHB <br />SOlJ1H RK1Hi'-0R . AY.OP R003$VBI,T <br />5'iRF.BTTOTHHN RIGHr-0F-WAY <br />L1NE OF THB,IST: -WBST ALLHY <br />SOUTH 4F ROOSBVHi,T STRB81' FOR A <br />DISTANCE OP APPROXIIMTFLY 17! P88r <br />AND A W HnH OP14 FE$l: Ai.SO 1NCLtID- <br />BQO TI~ffi S FOOit"'ANOitBS AT'tfl$ POINT <br />. OTJBI ALLEY IDTISRSEC170N. PARTIiA- <br />CATBD IN FlO1.idAAi'SSUB, IN Tt~CRY <br />OF SOUTH B@iD, IIiD1ANA . <br />Penam rr~satwclmaeth~wOl Law <br />a titht oo ba hard dtetoon,; ; : `; - .. • . <br />Torsos Dods :. _, . <br />CtryClmlt .iM'`•.. <br />1~1-~ <br />