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CITY OF SOUTH BEND <br />NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS <br />(Continued) <br />9. Fund Equity <br />In the fund financial statements, governmental funds report reservations of fund balance for <br />amounts that are not available for appropriation or are legally restricted by outside parties for use <br />for a specific purpose. Designations of fund balance represent tentative management plans that <br />are subject to change. <br />II. Stewardship, Compliance and Accountability <br />A. Budgetary Information <br />Annual budgets are adopted on the cash basis which is not consistentwith accounting principles gen- <br />erallyaccepted in the United States. All annual appropriations lapse at fiscal year end. Annual bud- <br />getsare adopted for the following governmental funds: <br />General <br />Major governmental funds: <br />Special revenue fund -park and recreation <br />Capital projects fund -county option income tax (COIT) <br />Nonmajor governmental funds: <br />Special revenue funds -motor vehicle highway, recreation nonreverting, community development, <br />local road and street, human rights federal, special events professional sports development <br />Debt service funds -redevelopment bond-studebaker, college football hall of fame debt service <br />Capital projects funds -emergency medical services, professional sports development, park <br />nonreverting capital, cumulative capital development, cumulative capital improvement, economic <br />development income tax, major moves <br />On or before August 31, the City Controller submits to the Common Council a proposed operating <br />budget for the year commencing the following January 1. Prior to adoption, the budget is advertised <br />and public hearings are conducted by the Common Council to obtain taxpayer comments. In <br />September of each year, the Common Council through the passage of an ordinance approves the <br />budget for the next year. Copies of the budget ordinance and the advertisement for funds for which <br />property taxes are levied or highway use taxes are received are sent to the Indiana Department of <br />Local Government Finance. The budget becomes legally enacted after the City Controller receives <br />approval of the Indiana Department of Local Government Finance. <br />The primary government's management cannot transfer budgeted appropriations between object <br />classifications of abudget without approval of the Common Council. The Department of Local Gov- <br />ernment Finance must approve any revisions to the appropriations for any fund or any department of <br />the General Fund. The legal level of budgetary control is by object and department within the fund for <br />the General Fund and by object within the fund for all other budgeted funds. <br />Expenditures did notexceed appropriations forany funds orany departmentswithin the General Fund <br />or within the Park and Recreation Fund, or within any other nonmajor governmental fund which <br />required legally, approved budgets. <br />52 <br />