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CITY OF SOUTH BEND <br />STATEMENT OF NET ASSETS <br />PROPRIETARY FUNDS <br />December 31, 2006 <br />w <br />Assets <br />Current assets: <br />Cash and cash equivalents <br />Interest receivable <br />Accounts receivable (net of allowance) <br />Accounts receivable -other <br />Interfund receivables: <br />Interfund services provided and used <br />Intergovernmental receivable <br />Inventories <br />Prepaid items <br />Restricted assets: <br />Cash, cash equivalents and investments: <br />Repair fund <br />Customer deposits <br />Revenue bond covenant accounts <br />Capital ou0ay accounts <br />Capital outlay accounts -investments <br />Cash with fiscal agent <br />Accounts receivable <br />Interest receivable <br />Total current assets <br />Noncurtent assets: <br />Deferred charges: <br />Unamortized debt issue costs <br />Unamortized loss on saleAeaseback <br />Total deferred charges <br />Capital assets: <br />Land and construction in progress <br />Other capital assets (net of <br />accumulated depreciation) <br />Total cepdal assets <br />Total noncurrent assets <br />Total assets <br /> Governmental <br /> Business-Typ e Activities -Enterprise Funds Activities <br /> Other <br />Water Wastewater Century Enterprise Internal <br />Utility Utility Center Funds Tofal Service Funds <br /> <br />$ 2,268,303 $ 4,428,154 $ 85,372 $ 732,245 $ 7,514,074 $ 5,022,891 <br />- - - - - 829 <br />754,375 1,131,840 36,130 346,863 2,269,206 1,001,290 <br />19,161 27,893 123,299 4,323 174,676 - <br />77,205 142,572 - 350 220,127 349,226 <br />- - - - 9,237 <br />108,069 268,033 - 12,306 366,428 1,150,665 <br />_ _ - 16,265 <br />25,496 135,132 - - 180,628 - <br />1,304,879 - - - 1,304,879 - <br />1,654,237 3,441,355 - 1,291,411 6,387,003 - <br />4,470,729 10,632,723 265,592 28,980 15,596,024 - <br />- - 1,009,945 - 1,009,945 - <br />- 16,139 - - 16,139 - <br />66,103 99,362 - - 165,485 - <br /> 4,685 1,266 5,951 <br />10,746,577 20,523,223 1,525,023 2,417,744 35,214,587 7,550,603 <br />683,247 326,109 <br />- 28,735 1,036,091 <br />5,063,830 5,063,830 <br />683,247 326,109 <br />-5,090,565 6,099,921 <br />1,063,821 12,040,018 702,934 1,580,489 15,387,262 - <br />55,669, 941 70,150, 915 13,135, 607 5,852,043 144,808,506 1.459,055 <br />58.733 ,762 82,190, 933 13,838, 541 7,432,532 160,195,768 1,459,055 <br />57,417 ,009 82,517, 042 13,838, 541 12,523,097 166,295,689 1,459,055 <br />68,165 ,586 103,040 ,265 15,363 ,564 14,940,841 201,510,256 9,009,858 <br />The notes to the financial statements are an integral part of this statement. <br />Continued on ne# page <br />