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CITY OF SOUTH BEND <br />STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND OTHER CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES <br />GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS <br />For The Year Ended December 31, 2006 <br />W <br /> Other Total <br /> Park end Governmental Govemmantal <br /> General Recreation TIF Airport COR Funds Funds <br />Revenues: <br />Taxes: <br />Property $ 49,514,044 $ 8,363,955 $ 7,515,744 $ - $ 6,895,510 $ 72,289,253 <br />County option income - - - 6,410,405 - 6,410,405 <br />County economic development income - - - -. 4,013,475 4,013,475 <br />Professional sports development tax - - - - 336,281 336,281 <br />Community revitalization enhancement disUict - - - - 1,000,000 1,000,000 <br />Licenses and permits 186,470 - - - - 186,470 <br />Intergovernmental 5,183,049 601,078 - - 25,491,414 31,275,541 <br />Charges for services 10,233,118 2,537,687 - - 4,160,939 16,931,744 <br />Fines end fodeits 232,877 - - - 211,984 444,861 <br />Interest ~ 1,543,778 - 606,063 226,073 2,386,570 4,762,484 <br />Donations 4,273 - - - 133,262 137,535 <br />Sale of property 19,025 - 214,758 - - 233,783 <br />Other 494,367 111,315 614,725 1.823,008 3,043,413 <br />Total revenues 67,411,001 11,614,035 8.336.565 7,251,203 46.452,441 141,065,245 <br />ExpendiTurea: <br />Current: <br />General government 10,944,891 - - - 299,843 11,244,734 <br />Public safety 50,314,860 - - - 735,780 51,050,640 <br />Highways and streets 6,927,124 - - - 6,656,637 13,583,761 <br />Economic development - - - - 9,752,254 9,752,254 <br />Health and weHare 75,000 - - - - 75,000 <br />Cutturo end recreation 1,523,093 10,844,744 - - 1,481,785 13,649,622 <br />Debt service: <br />Principal - 163,719 505,000 617,365 6,149,636 7,435,722 <br />Interest and fiscal charges - 13,228 586,866 209,573 5,125,844 5,935,511 <br />Debt issuance costs - - - - 209,100 209,100 <br />Capital outlay: <br />General government - - - 4,325,447 1,268,909 5,594.356 <br />Public safety - - - - 1,562,936 1,562,936 <br />Economic development - - 1,096,812 - 7,886,671 8,963,483 <br />Culture and recreation 250,417 250,417 <br />Total expenditures 69.784.968 11.021,691 2,186,678 5,152,385 41,379,814 129.527,536 <br />Excess (deficiency) of revenues - <br />over(urxfer)expenditures (2.373,967) 592,344 6,147,887 2,098,818 5,072.627 11,537,709 <br />Other financing sources (uses): <br />Transfers in 351,101 - 79,313 37,151 6,460,975 6,928,540 <br />Transfers out (870,033] (96,849) (383,921) (2,709,706) (4,821,831) (8,884,340) <br />Premium on debt issuance - - - - 46,521 46,521 <br />Debt issuance - - - - 6,564,036 6,564,036 <br />Issuance of refunding bonds - - - - 7,440,000 7,440,000 <br />Payment to refunded bond escrow agent (8,371,711) (8,371,711) <br />Total other financing sources and uses (518,932) (98,849) (304,608) (2,672.555) 9.317,990 5,723,046 <br />Net change in fund balances (2,892,899) 493,495 5,643,279 (573,737) 14,390,617 17,260,755 <br />Fund balanoss-beginning 28,744,194 1,643,487 18,341.786 9,198,9513 64.701,732 122,630,157 <br />Fund balances -ending $ 25,851,295 $ 2.136,882 $ 24.185,065 $ 8,625,221 $ 79.092,349 $ 139,890,912 <br />The notes to the fnencial statements are an Integral part of this statement. <br />