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U Gf3� <br /> g <br /> \PEI C/ P.g <br /> Y Y S <br /> OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> KAREEMAH N. FOWLER, CITY CLERK <br /> HEALTH &PUBLIC SAFETY MARCH 12, 2018 4:10 P.M. <br /> Committee Members Present: Jo M. Broden, John Voorde, Karen White, Susan Soisson <br /> (citizen member), Genevieve Crum (citizen member) <br /> Committee Members Absent: Oliver Davis <br /> Other Council Present: Tim Scott, Gavin Ferlic, Sharon L. McBride, <br /> Other Council Absent: Dr. David Varner, Regina Williams-Preston <br /> Others Present: Kareemah Fowler, Bianca Tirado, Graham Sparks, Bob <br /> Palmer <br /> Presenters: Joseph Molnar <br /> Agenda: Bill No. 18-10- Scrap Metal License Approval <br /> Committee Chair Jo M. Broden called to order the Health and Public Safety Committee meeting <br /> at 4:10 p.m. She introduced members of the Committee and proceeded to give the floor to the <br /> presenters. <br /> Bill No. 18-10- Scrap Metal License Approval <br /> Joseph Molnar, Ordinance Violation Bureau Clerk with offices on the 4th floor of the County-City <br /> Building, stated, This is an annual process dictated by the South Bend Municipal Code. The <br /> Common Council has to approve scrap metal permits every year. This year there are twelve (12) <br /> last year there were eleven (11) so we are up by one (1). They are primarily located in the City's <br /> western and southern corridors. I think that is mostly due to the zoning classifications in those <br /> areas, as they are primarily industrial. There are certain regulations that have to be met when <br /> dealing in scrap metal. For instance, there is a certain amount of frontage needed away from the <br /> road. So, they really have to have a large area and a lot of those old factory zones are where a lot <br /> of the scrap metal dealers are located. I have also provided a district breakdown. There are six (6) <br /> dealers in the 6d' Councilmanic District, five (5) in the 2nd Councilmanic District, and one (1) in <br /> the 5d' Councilmanic District. All applications have been reviewed by the Fire Department, the <br /> Police Department and the Department of Code Enforcement. Code Enforcement has issues with <br /> only two (2) of the applications. The first one (1), Steve and Gene's located at 31109 Gertrude, <br /> had a number of issues. Code Enforcment is working with the owner and the owner has been very <br /> forward with them. We are issuing a temporary approval and will be following up every thirty <br /> days until everything is complete.The other one(1)was NORI Metals. They had some litter issues <br /> INTEGRITY1 SERVICES ACCESSIBILITY <br /> JENNUER M.COFFMAN BiANcA L.TmADo JosEPH R MOLNAR <br /> CHIEF DEPUTY/DIRE(TOR OF OPERATIONS DEPuTY/DawroR OF POLICY ORDINANCE VIOLATION CLERK <br /> EXCELLENCE I ACCOUNTABILITY I INNOVATION I INCLUSION I EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 1 227 W.Jefferson Blvd.I South Bend,Indiana 466011 p 574.235.92211 f 574.235.9173 1 <br />