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Staff Report 3/12/2018 <br /> evidence presented at a public hearing,that: <br /> (1)The proposed use will not be injurious to the public health, safety, comfort, <br /> community moral standards, convenience or general welfare; <br /> The proposed use,which has currently existed on the site,will have no impact on the <br /> public health, safety and, general welfare of the community. <br /> (2) The proposed use will not injure or adversely affect the use of the adjacent area <br /> or property values therein; <br /> The current use,which will continued to be allowed by the approval of this special use, <br /> and adoption of the written commitment to limit uses to those found in the LI: Light <br /> Industrial District plus wrecker service will not have any additional adverse affect on the <br /> use and value of the adjacent properties. <br /> (3) The proposed use will be consistent with the character of the district in which it is <br /> located and the land uses authorized therein; <br /> The use will be consistent with the industrial nature of the Olive Street Corridor. <br /> (4) The proposed use is compatible with the recommendations of the Comprehensive <br /> Plan. <br /> The use is consistent with City Plan, South Bend Comprehensive Plan(November 2006) <br /> Policy ED 7.3: Support neighborhood-economic opportunities as identified in area-specific <br /> plans. <br /> The petitioner is seeking the following variance(s): <br /> 1) from the required 30'minimum front yard and building setback to 0' <br /> 2)from the required 100'minimum side residential bufferyard to 0' <br /> 3) from the required screening of outdoor storage to none <br /> 4)to allow barbed wire on a fence located between the front fagade of the primary building <br /> and the front lot line <br /> 5)to allow a fence and storage area within the minimum 10' clear sight area <br /> 6) from the required landscaping of required perimeter yards and residential bufferyards to <br /> none <br /> 7)from the required foundation landscaping to none <br /> 8)from the required parking area screening to none <br /> 9) from the required 11 parking spaces to 0 <br /> State statutes and the Zoning Ordinance require that certain standards must be met <br /> before a variance can be approved. The standards and their justifications are as follows: <br /> (1)The approval will not be injurious to the public health, safety,morals and general <br /> welfare of the community; <br /> The proposed variances will not be injurious to the public health, safety, morals and <br /> general welfare of the community. <br /> (2) The use and value of the area adjacent to the property included in the variance <br /> APC# 2862-18 Page 3 of 4 <br />