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(3~1L,AR I~EETINCa <br />FEI3RIJAR~I22 2010 41 <br />1. Funding: Water Works Capital ;Park Capital; Street Capital <br />APPROVAL, OF REO(JEST TO AD~IERTISE FOR TI-IE RECEIPT OF SIDS - 2010 STREET <br />MATERIALS {I~VI~ <br />In a rnemorandtim to the Eoard, la/Ir. Rob Nichols, Engineering, requested permission to <br />advertise for the receipt of bids for the above referenced materials. Therefore, upon a motion <br />ade by ~/Ir. C~ilot, seconded by ~Ir. Inks and carried, the above request was approved. <br />ADOPT SOL,LJTION NO. 0~-2010 -WRITE-OFF LJNCOLL,ECTAI3LE tJ I ILIT~' ~IL,L,ED <br />ACCO TS CEI~IALES FOR 2009 <br />I~pon a otion made by IV1r. Oilot, seconded by lo~Ir. Littrell and carried, the following <br />Resolution was adopted by the Eoard of Public Worlcs: <br />®~J'TIt~l~ -210 <br />r~ JT l~ "I' I'T S I1T'I-~ >131~ ~ IAA A IJ LIC <br />W F' T E ItI'TE,m FF ®I+' UN~ LI~E~TA ~E TTIi.I"TY ~ILI,E <br />r~~C't7I11~'TS ~tE~LI~A~I~E Ft712 209 <br />WI4EREAS, the City of Sout11 Bend, throL~gh the bureau of Water Worlcs, billed various <br />municipal services to customers listed on the attached documents; and <br />WEE ,AS, the unsuccessfully collected accounts receivable is written off after all <br />al:tempted efforts are put forth to collect and recover the charges, complying with the Indiana <br />State Board of Accounts for dad Debts and IJncollectable Accounts; <br />WFIE AS, the City of SoLrth fiend, by and through its hoard of Public Works, desires <br />to ite off various billed bad debt aecollnts. <br />1~TOW, TFIE FORE, ~E IT RESOLVED by the Board of Public Worlcs of the City of <br />South Bend, that the attached direct write-off totaling X355,600 with collection, and recovery <br />totaling ~14I,46~, resulting in a net write-off of $21.4,132 for the year 2009 be written off to the <br />accounts receivable of the City of South Bend as uncollectible. <br />ADOPTED this 22nd Day of February 2010 <br />ATTEST: <br />s,1L,inda . Martin, Clerk <br />13O1~IZI7 OF PLTf3I,IC WORDS <br />s/CJary A. CJilot, President <br />s/Carl P. Littrell, Member <br />s/Donald E. Inks, l~lember <br />APPROVAL, OF AC~REEIyIENTS/CONT CTS/PROPOSALSIADDENDA <br />The following .Agreements/Contracts/Proposals/Addenda were submitted to the I~oard for <br />approval e <br />