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I~E~aI~EA~ 1~IEETII~TG FE~~i1AR~' 22 2010 4~ <br />~~~EPT"A~~E t)F' NEW ST E`TS FOR 2010 <br />In a Mern~ t~ the hoard, 1VIr. T®ny 1Vl~lnar, Engineering, submitted a list ®f streets, <br />encc~rnpassing 1.7926 ilea that are in new residential sudivisi®ns ®r have been annexed by the <br />pity, and need ts~ be added t~ the INDOT Street inventary f®r tl7e pity cif S®ut fiend. IJpen a <br />rn~tic~n by I~1r. Csilt~t, see®nded by IVIr. Inks and carried the addition of the streets was appre~ved. <br />