<br />I'~IIRtJARY R, 2Q1.0 24
<br />linty the names of the companies were read. Upon a motion made by Mx'. Galot, seconded by Mr.
<br />Inks and earned, the above Pre-r.~uali~cations were referred to Coznmcrs~ity and Fcor?omic
<br />Development, Engineering, and the Consultant for review and rccomTnendation.
<br />~'kI'PR~~~E I~iL~ A~~v~':hRD I/~"1`EIvtSIGN - 2009_C~I~ NF.+~%~~'ER'/s Tt~t~! T~~'6}-~4'lt;E.L I~~?~r"E
<br />I~It.K-UP "I'RtJ~'I~ ~1'iTEI2. ~~"C)RI~S C!~PI`1'AL BI-TI~GET)
<br />I~Ir. 3eff Hudak, Central Services, advised the Board that on Lbeceniber 14, 20Oq, the above
<br />referred to bid was awarded to the lowest responsible and responsive bidder, 3ordazz Automotive
<br />tiroui-~, 6Q~ B. Jefferson I~Ivd., Ivlishavvaka, Indiana, 46546. 3orclan Autorraative lZas agreed to
<br />extend [he ttz~t. pa'ices to include an additional four (4) trucks. Mr. tfaadak recommended that the
<br />Board approve the bad award extension in the amount of $2Q,t773.00 for each truc;c for a total of
<br />$8Q,2g2.00. Board Attorney, Cheryl Greene, rtote~d ~,vhen tine bid was advertised, it z~~as
<br />advertised as one or more trucks. She stated this is an opportunity to extend tine bicJ for
<br />signifzcant savitlgs to the City. Therefore, Mr. Giiot made a rnotian that the recommendation be
<br />a.ccepte.d and the bid award exter2sioct be approved subject to allocation of funds. Mr. Inks
<br />seconded the ratotiotr, which carried.
<br />~PPRC;zVE_~~l:r AGR AR'~:~ EXTBT~SIG~' - PIZI/-tj ih'NFD 2008 ~!R NE`Y~a'ER MILS-SIZE Ft~~?R
<br />I3CJC3t~t,+3lil}Al~ AlJ t~1YllJJ.31LE r ~'},~T1~Pl_YY~~I~S1~.7 ~,~T11[4L 13lYll_7&~T~
<br />~~Ir. Jeff Iduda.k, Central Ser~~iees, advised the Board that an December l4, 2Q03, the above
<br />referred to bid was awarded to t~lre lowest responsible, responsive bidder, Gates Chevrolet, ilic.,
<br />636 W. McI~ley, 1'/Iishawakao Indiana, 46546. Gates Chevrolet, Inc. has agreed to extend the
<br />ur~at prices t® ititclude one {1) additional automobile. Mr. Iludak recommended that the Board
<br />approve the bid award extension in the aartotitnt of $ I4,07E3.00. Board Attor-z~ey, Cheryl Greene,
<br />noted this was .also advertised as one or more atztornobiles nerd gives the City an opportunity to
<br />l~t?y the vehicle at a substantial saviazgs. Therefore, Mr. Gilot made a motion that the
<br />recornrTteridatio3l be accepted and the bid award extension be approved as outlines above. Ivlr.
<br />Littzell seconded the motion; which carried.
<br />Mr. John Wiltrotrt, Water Works, advised the Board that on January 35, 701t), quotations were
<br />received aa:d opened for the aYsove refen-ed to project. After re~,~icwing those quotat5ons, iVlr.
<br />y~littAorzt recommends that the Board award the contract to the lowest responsive and responsible
<br />biAler, Dynamic Mechanical Services, Inc., 160b Chestnut Strt~eet, Mishawaka. Indiana 46545, in
<br />the amount of ~ I5,407.Q0. Additionallyy, the Board approved the Agreement for this quotation.
<br />Therefore, 1Ula°. Irzlcs made a motion that the recommendation be aocepted and the quotation be
<br />a~~arded arad Agreement for Services approved as outlined shove, ivlr. Gilot seconded the
<br />ntotiora, «~hiclt carried.
<br />Mr. Phal Czrstaa•d, Adn-zinistration ix Finance, advised the Board that ocz letnuary 27, 2040,
<br />d~aotatiorts were received and opened for the above referred to project. After reviewing those
<br />q~azotations, Mr. Custard recommends that the Board award the contract to the lowest responsive
<br />arid. responsible bidder, office Interiors, I415 University L)rive Court, Granger, Indiana 46730,
<br />in the arrrount of `~21,Q00.00. Therefore, Mr. Inks made a motion that the recommendation be
<br />accepted and ^he quotation be awarded as outlined above. Mr. Littrell seconded the a}orlon,
<br />whicl-t carried.
<br />~P1'IfC9'~'E C'I-I~.NtgE t)TZDEI~ :SCI. 3 (FINAL) :~NI~ PT~GJECT CGiViPI,FTI®~ AFTIT)Ayil'I'
<br />_.
<br />~~..
<br />~3~`sNl~ ~
<br />Mr. Csilot advised that Mr. T oy villa, Engineering. has submitted Change Carder No. 3 (Final) on
<br />behalf of E'RI' Constzlzction; Itxc., 5777 Cleveland Road, Soutb Bead, Indz~ta 46b24, indicating
<br />dre contract amount be decreased by ~38,141.'?9 for a new contract stun, including this Change
<br />C'tr~der, of $764,524.71. Additionally subrnittect was the Project Completion Affidavit indicating
<br />Chas new fdtal cast of ~ 764,524.71. Upon a motion made by IVIr. Inks, seconded by ~~Ir. Littrell
<br />tznd carried, Change t~rder 1\io. 3 {Final) and the Project Completion Affidavit were approved,
<br />