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c~E~rTrLARIvIEETG 1~~~RV~R~~~.zIT~~ ~2 <br />1~oR <br />Mr.~szlot stated that the hoard is in receipt of favorable recommendations from the Fire <br />I7epartnient, Police Department, l3uildizag t`ommissioner, acrd Lega't for the following <br />applies+ions for ~-enevaal of IV4assage IJstablishment licenses: <br />Applicant ~ hrairie I-louse Massage Therapy _ <br />Location 914 Lincoln ~Uay West ~~ <br />--- <br /> ~._._ <br />Favorable. Recommendations <br />Applicatt _ Sandy's Naar Design -_ <br />j L,oeation 3'T?5 South Mair7 Street <br /> Favorable Recommendations <br />-___ <br />Applicant <br />. <br />Haircrafiers <br />_ _ <br />. <br />_ . <br />Location _ <br />60? I incoln Way East <br /> Favorable lZecornmendataons <br />Applicant... <br />_--- 4 klannah's changes in Attitude ~ <br />-- <br />Location ~ 2009 Miami Street __ <br />__ <br />J <br />- <br />- _ <br />1~ avarable Recommendations <br />~ -_ __ <br />Upon a motion made by Mr. Littrell, seconded by Mr. Inks and care°ied, the License Application <br />renewals were approved. <br />AI'I'fZ~)~7AL. C?r RIrC:.f~M1l4F,TiDrdTI(J?ti' Tt~_F`dCRC7.~CI-I t)I~1T~ I~U13L1C; RICrkIT-~F-~~s%A~' <br />-_ 1902 ~TJEST SAMPLE STREE'T' <br />Tyr. wilot advised that the hoard is in receipt of a request frotrz A.,I. `+~Iraght t~istrib~.iting, 1902 <br />tl~'est Sa~rrple Street, South bend, itldiana, 46ciI9, to encroach onto the right of ~,,,as,, to build a <br />bus shelter at the corner of Sample Street at the entrance to their driveway. Favorable <br />~•econtmendations from the Division of Engialeering, Fire Department, Police Departments and <br />the I3uulding ~ot2~missioner subject to an Indemnification arzd Idold llax•mless Undertaking. <br />f--pen a motion by 1Vir. Irtl~s, seconded by iVlr. Littrell and carried, tlae reconunendation was <br />appn'oVed. <br />FAVC?RAEt,E RECOMMENDATI~1~1 _ - I'LTl"I'lC)N ___f D VACATE_ TI-IE f'IF~;ST <br />----- - <br />~~~T~~i~~~t~T~ Ar.r.FV ~Rt~M CDLF~AX AvE1~tU~ Tyr T~F, ~AS~~~wEST ALL~~ <br />~'Cr. Cxdot indicated that the South Ijend heritage Foundation, Inc. has submitted a request to <br />vacate tite above referred to alley. Mr. Gilot advised the Board is in receipt of favorable <br />recornat~endations concerning this ~6lacation Petition from the Area Plan ~omrnission; Police <br />;~epat-tment, Fire Department, Solid ~Jaste, community & I3conomic L)eve;opment and <br />YGi~lgineeririg. Area Ilan stated the vacation would not hander the g~-o~~~ah or orderly development <br />of the unit or neighborhood irr whirl? it is located ot- to vrhirh it is contiguous. The vacation <br />v%oald not nlahe access to the lands of the aggrieved pea son by means of pablic way difticuIt or <br />inconvenient. The vacation would not blinder the public's access to a church, sc11oo1 or other <br />public building or place. "i'he vacation would not hinder the use of a public; right-of-wa}~ by i1?e <br />neighborhood in which it is located ©~• to which it is It was noted that the existing <br />historical lroazse sits over the property line b}' five (~) inches. Therefore, Mr. Inks made a motion <br />that the Poard give a Eaves-able recommendation for the vacation request Mr. Littrell seconded <br />tl~c motion tivlrich cat~ried. <br />APPRO'1AI. ~F STREET ~L~SURES/PROCP,SSI(~NS <br />"fhe following street closures and processions wexe presented for approval: <br />:~~oeaso~ i ~~s~riptiara D~ste/'i"y~e L:~saatl~r3 1~1~tfan <br />~;ara~ecl <br />~- -__- <br />St. Anthony <br />de Pads a <br />Procession - <br />Run, Panther, _ <br />A~prrl 17, 2010, ~ <br />7:©{3 a.m. to <br />Potawalomi Pa?k, South on <br />Mishawaka Avenue through the I <br />Littrell/Inks <br />I~oa~ae ~: Ru2~l 10:00 a.m. IUSB Campus, along the River, 'i <br />School ending at Potawatomi Park <br />Association <br />h~diat€•ic _ <br />Proccssion .Tiny r 1, 2010 <br />' ti ~rtous Sttects 1 hrouehc?nt the lnks/Littrell I <br /> <br />~ <br />i gain Tumor <br />P.ta~ for Kids <br />! Irony 4:00 i.m <br />_..._ <br />t sty of South Eetrd and County <br />-._ __ ry __ <br />