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I. Indirect Costs -Indirect costs are allowed only if the applicant has a federally approved indirect <br />cost rate. A copy of the rate approval, (a fully executed, negotiated agreement), must be attached. If <br />the applicant does not have an approved rate, one can be requested by contacting the applicant's <br />cognizant Federal agency, which will review all documentation and approve a rate for the applicant <br />organization, or if the applicant's accounting system permits, costs may be allocated in the direct costs <br />categories. <br />Description Computation Cost <br />Note: Indirect cost and/or administrative expenses may not account for more than 10% of the Weed <br />and Seed grant. This 10% cap extends to all administrative functions. For example, usually the Site <br />Director's job includes administrative activities (financial management, reporting, etc.) and this <br />portion of their salary would be covered under the 10% cap. Salary that can be attributed to strictly <br />program-related activities (coordinating the Steering Committee, organizing neighborhood activities, <br />cultivating partnerships) would not be included under the cap. <br />TOTAL: $ 0 <br />Weeding/Seeding Budget Summary (Federal Request Only) <br />SEED WEED <br />Budget Cate~ory CCDO Core Law Enforcement <br />A. Personnel $0 $41,114 <br />B. Fringe $0 $0 <br />C. Travel $2,921 $2,921 <br />D. Equipment $0 $0 <br />E. Supplies $6,087 $3,851 <br />F. Construction $0 $0 <br />G. Consultants/Contracts $51,370 $33,736 <br />H. Other $0 $0 <br />TOTAL DIRECT COSTS: $ 60,378 $81,622 <br />BUDGET SUMMARY <br />7 <br />