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L Minimum Rear Yard—five (5) feet. <br /> ii. Minimum Rear Residential Bufferyard—fifteen(15) feet when <br /> not separated from a residential use by a public alley. If <br /> separated from a residential use by a public alley, no rear <br /> residential bufferyard is required, but the minimum rear yard <br /> requirement shall apply. <br /> (3) Use of Minimum Yards and Residential Bufferyards. <br /> All minimum yards and residential bufferyards shall be landscaped in <br /> compliance with the requirements for perimeter yard landscaping as set forth <br /> in Section 21-07.01 —Landscape Regulations of this Ordinance and shall <br /> remain free from structures except where expressly permitted below: <br /> (A) Minimum Front Yards— <br /> i. along limited access highways—may include: parking areas, <br /> loading areas, interior access drives, or interior access <br /> driveways,provided that no portion of such area may be located <br /> closer to the right-of-way than fifteen(15) feet; or signs as <br /> regulated by Section 21-07.03 —Sign Regulations of this <br /> Ordinance, and shall otherwise be maintained as open space <br /> free from buildings or structures. <br /> ii. along all other streets—may include: driveways or signs as <br /> regulated by Section 21-07.03 —Sign Regulations of this <br /> Ordinance, and shall otherwise be maintained as open space <br /> free from buildings or structures. <br /> (B) Minimum Side and Rear Yards—may include driveways, interior <br /> access driveways,parking areas, loading areas, walkways or other <br /> pedestrian way connections to adjoining lots,provided that the <br /> remainder of said yards shall be maintained as open space free from <br /> buildings or structures. <br /> (C) Minimum Side and Rear Residential Bufferyards—may include <br /> driveway connections to adjoining lots, or walkways or other pedestrian <br /> way connections to adjoining lots, provided that the remainder of said <br /> yards shall otherwise be maintained as open space free from buildings <br /> or structures. <br /> (4) Building Height. <br /> (A) Minimum Front Fagade Height— in the elevation view from the street <br /> frontage, eighteen (18) feet. <br />