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6. No alterations, changes or additions in the Parking Lots shall be made without <br />first submitting written plans and specifications for the same to the Commission and obtaining its <br />written consent to make the same. !n the event of any such remodeling, alterations or additionsi <br />the Provider shall make the same at its own expense and shall promptly pay for all materials and <br />labor involved in making the same. The Provider shall not permit any liens or claims or damages <br />of any nature to exist against the Commission or the Parking Lots. In the event any lien, claim or <br />damage or any action for enforcing the same shall be filed or made against the Commission or <br />any of the Parking Lots, the Provider shall defend the same at its own expense. The Provider <br />agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Commission from any and all liability or expense <br />arising by virtue of such claim, demand or lien or the defense of any action filed to enforce the <br />same. Any such alterations, changes or additions shall, when made, become a part of the Parking <br />Lots and remain thereon as the property of the Commission at the termination of this Agreement <br />at the option of the Commission. If the Commission shall require the Provider to restore the <br />Parking Lot to the original condition in which it was before this Agreement was executed, then <br />the Provider shall restore the Parking Lot to such conditions at its own expense and ail of the <br />provisions of this Agreement with reference to such restoration contracts, liens, demands and <br />expenses shall apply to said restoration as well as the original alterations. <br />7. The Provider shall allow the Commission free access to the Parking Lots for the <br />purpose of examining or exhibiting the same and also shall allow the Commission to place upon <br />any of the Parking Lots, at any and all times, "For Sale" signs, and within ninety (90) days prior <br />to the termination of this Agreement, '`For Rent" signs. <br />8. The Provider shall promptly pay and discharge all taxes that may be assessed or <br />levied by any lawful authority against the property of the Provider or any subtenants on, against <br />or by virtue of the business conducted in or on the Parking Lots during the term of this <br />Agreement. <br />9. The Provider shall promptly pay all water, sewage, electric, power, gas and <br />heating bills and taxes levied or charged against the Parking Lots for and during the term of this <br />Agreement. <br />10. The Provider covenants that should it make default in any of the covenants and <br />agreements herein contained, it will at once deliver peaceable possession of the Parking Lots to <br />the Commission, and failing to do so, it shall be lawful for the Commission, its heirs and assigns, <br />without notice, to declare this Agreement terminated and to re-enter the Parking Lots, or any part <br />thereof, either with or without process of law, and to expel, remove and put out the Provider, or <br />any person or persons occupying the same, using such force as may be necessary so to do, and to <br />repossess and use the Parking Lots as before this Agreement, without prejudice to any remedies <br />which might otherwise be available to the Commission for breach of covenants, and the Provider <br />further covenants and agrees, that the Commission shall have, at all times, the right to distrain <br />for rent due, and shall have a valid and first lien upon all property of the Provider whether <br />exempt by law or not, as security for the covenants of the Provider. <br />16 <br />