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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting -February 5, 2010 <br />Steve Hartz formed it to train for his business <br />and other business owners that he was aware <br />needed the service. It is anon-profit <br />organization. The training is for welding, <br />machinists, CNA, etc. Ms. Leonard added <br />that they have been looking at starting to <br />train in the green technology field. They <br />continue to expand. <br />Ms. King asked about the stipend the <br />participants receive. Why do the amounts <br />vary? Mr. Summers responded that the <br />amount depends on how long they remained <br />in training. Some may not have completed <br />training. If a participant did not receive a <br />job, they would need additional training and <br />additional stipend. <br />Mr. Downes noted that there are fifty-two <br />participants trained and needing jobs, with <br />240 people waiting to participate in the <br />program. He asked what the realistic <br />expectation is for those fifty-two to get jobs. <br />Mr. Summers said he would be surprised if at <br />least half of those are not in jobs by the end <br />of 2010. <br />Ms. King asked for some explanation of the <br />ongoing support the participants receive <br />when they are placed in a job. Mr. Summers <br />said that participants make a commitment to <br />stay connected with Project Impact for one <br />year, preferably two years. During that time <br />they perform peer-to-peer mentoring; also, <br />someone from Project Impact contacts that <br />participant or a member of their family at <br />least once a month to see how things are <br />going. That continuous connection proves <br />that Project Impact really does care. They <br />provide encouragement. <br />Ms. King asked about the $240,000 <br />20 <br />