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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting -February 5, 2010 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (CONT.) <br />B. South Bend Central Development Area <br />(2) continued... <br />Mr. Downes noted that he is an investor in <br />the Silverhawks team. He does not believe <br />that he has a conflict of interest, but in the <br />interest of transparency, he intends to recuse <br />himself from voting on this item. <br />Mr. Varner made a motion to approve the <br />proposal for professional services related to <br />Coveleski Regional Stadium project. Ms. <br />King seconded. The motion passed on a vote <br />of four in favor. Mr. Downes abstained. <br />(3) Interlocal Agreement with Board of Public <br />Works and Department of Parks and <br />Recreation (Coveleski Stadium <br />Rehabilitation) <br />Mr. Schalliol noted that there are three <br />municipal agencies that will be involved with <br />this Coveleski Stadium Rehabilitation <br />project. The agencies include the Park <br />Board, the Redevelopment Commission and <br />the Board of Public Works. The interlocal <br />agreement will serve as the coordinating <br />governance document for this project. <br />The Project Team has worked with Populous <br />to develop an architectural services proposal <br />that deals specifically with the first phases of <br />the project ("Phase 1/lA") which is centered <br />at the home plate or center core part of the <br />ballpark. The Park Board will be scheduling <br />a special meeting to consider and approve the <br />same scope of work. A second proposal for <br />services for the remainder of Phase 1 will be <br />presented in the future after some <br />modification of the Scope of Work. <br />10 <br />COMMISSION APPROVED THE PROPOSAL FOR <br />PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RELATED TO <br />COVELESKI REGIONAL STADIUM PROJECT <br />(PHASE 1 A ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES) <br />