REGULAR MEETING November 27, 2017
<br /> I can make the amendments but I'm not keen to doing that on the floor, I think that is poor
<br /> legislative action.
<br /> Councilmember Gavin Ferlic then asked, Is the document that is being considered by the County
<br /> Council the same as this one? If we made a few minor changes to this document, what is the
<br /> opportunity it could be passed through the County with adequate time?
<br /> Mr. Mueller replied, I think it would be very difficult to get the same text approved by all four (4)
<br /> bodies by the end of the year if there were any amendments to this document tonight.
<br /> Councilmember Oliver Davis asked, Have all four (4) bodies already seen this yet?
<br /> Mr. Mueller replied, Either they have been introduced or they are on the agenda to be introduced.
<br /> Councilmember Oliver Davis then asked, I mean it might be on their agenda but have they all, in
<br /> a sense,seen it?Have they given you a good impression that they are willing to go with it?Because
<br /> if they haven't all seen it, if we pass this tonight with amendments, wouldn't that be the one that
<br /> has to be in their agenda?
<br /> Mr. Mueller replied,These Interlocal Agreements are complicated.There are four(4)bodies,there
<br /> are nine (9) of you, nine (9) on the County Council, three (3) Commissioners and the Mayor
<br /> involved in this. There have been representatives of all these bodies in these discussions. The
<br /> County is not interested in making any further changes and they are ready to move it through their
<br /> process in both bodies.
<br /> Councilmember Oliver Davis interrupted,My thing is this. Listening to Councilmember Broden's
<br /> suggestions and given the fact that the County won't finance anything and don't care, the issue
<br /> then comes to be what we care about. If we have the majority,would that not encourage the Mayor
<br /> to sign along with that, too? That is two (2) of the bodies that would be really well equipped. And
<br /> the Commissioners, since they have the same issue with that standpoint because the funding is
<br /> coming through us, would that not expedite the time?
<br /> Mr. Mueller replied, It is possible we could make changes and come to a new agreement with the
<br /> County. Based off of how they have gone so far, it is very unlikely you'll even get an answer in
<br /> time to move it through the appropriate bodies.
<br /> Councilmember Oliver Davis interjected, The question that I'm trying to get in my brain is what
<br /> makes the County give us a delayed answer on the current document more than an amended
<br /> document? Haven't they already seen it?
<br /> Mr. Mueller replied, Certain representatives of those bodies have seen this document and have
<br /> signed off on it.
<br /> Councilmember Oliver Davis stated, So are we the last ones in this, with all fairness to us?
<br /> Mr. Mueller replied,No, you are actually the first ones to go through the full process of it all.
<br /> Councilmember Oliver Davis, I should put it this way then. So, in those other bodies, it has not
<br /> come before them in a full meeting?
<br /> Mr. Mueller replied, No because they were in the budget process. They had a number of
<br /> conversations, as did we, about this transition. There were some written questions that we have
<br /> responded to.
<br /> Councilmember Oliver Davis interjected, So basically, outside of budgetary questions, have they
<br /> had that opportunity? That is what I am saying. We know they have all gone through the budget
<br /> side of it, but this second phase, have they seen that one (1)? It seems to me that, from talking to
<br /> everybody who has talked to me this evening, the current document, if we pass it, is a green light
<br /> for everybody else. What gives everybody that confidence that it is such a green light? Versus, if
<br /> we made a few changes, what would give everybody the yellow light? I haven't had that really
<br /> explained to me clearly tonight. I heard there was only one(1) meeting in December,but now I'm
<br /> told tonight that there are two (2) meetings in December. Do you see what I'm saying? Are we
<br /> cool?
<br /> Mr. Mueller replied, From the City perspective,the biggest issue was the staffing change. This, as
<br /> I mentioned earlier, is purely contemplated as a staffing change from the County staff payroll to
<br /> the City staff payroll. There are these other associated questions but that was the primary concern
<br /> was whether the City would be willing to take on the staff.That was discussed and approved during
<br /> the budget cycle. Some of these reporting requirements for the County don't apply because they
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