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Commercial Corridor Plan <br /> The 2014 Commercial Corridor Plan developed under our current Mayor and half of <br /> the current Common Council outlined the strategic revitalization plan is for the <br /> corridor on Lincoln Way West. The plan sought to address the loss in population <br /> and rise in crime on the corridor in which these properties exist. The property on <br /> 3527 Lincoln Way West falls in the residential area between the Sheridan and <br /> Bendix Nodes, as seen in yellow on the below map. The 2014 Commercial Corridor <br /> Plan would not support the rezoning of the property. <br /> SendIx Node <br /> Sheridan Node <br /> Linculnbi iyCoridus Hun <br /> 3527 Lincoln Way West is located in the yellow residential space between the two commercial <br /> nodes.The 2014 Commercial Corridor Plan calls for the protection of these residential spaces. <br /> The plan considers this corridor with nodes of mixed use commercial space with <br /> residential breaks favorable to "create pedestrian-friendly destinations with unique <br /> identities that have the greatest chance of competing in the regional marketplace"2. <br /> The plan urges that further development of these residential spaces should be <br /> "halted before these changes negatively impact the corridor"2. The clear cause of <br /> this negative erosion of residential space was identified as "homes between the <br /> nodes adapted to commercial use"2 even though vacate commercial spaces are <br /> available in the corridor. <br /> For these reasons of residential node erosion and the goals of advancing safe <br /> corridor revitalization, the rezoning of the property at 3527 Lincoln Way West would <br /> be counter productive to the City's plan and strategy for Lincoln Way West. <br /> 2 City of South Bend, Department of Community Investment, Urban Enterprise Association of South Bend,and Torti <br /> Gallas and Partners, Inc., West Side Main streets the revitalization plan for Lincoln Way, Western Avenue, and West <br /> Side Neighborhoods(2014). ; <br /> ; RECEIVED ' <br /> Research Brief on 05-t8 1tlesday. February 20, 2018 r 4 <br /> FEE 2 0 ?_018 <br /> AREA PLAN COMMISSION <br /> i <br />