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13. List the real and personal property taxes paid at the location during the <br />previous five years, whether paid by the current owner or a previous owner: <br />YEAR REAL PROPERTY TAXES PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES <br />2003 39,834.26 16,139.61 <br />2 , . <br />2 0 5 t~~ 5LL a Q ' ~-~ 4T-o•' <br />2006 44 173.67 12 68 <br />2 , 99.17 5,373.50 <br />2 ( his information may be'o tained from the St. Josep o easurers office 235-9531) <br />14. Describe the commitment made within the past five years by your firm to hiring <br />minority individuals, including number of minorities employed during each of <br />the past five years, specifying whether full time or part-time and whether <br />permanent or temporary employees. The Petitioner shall also list the current <br />number of total employees (full and part-time) and the current number of <br />minority individuals (full and part-time). numbers based on 12-31 totals <br />12-31-04 24/66 36% minorities/total full time employees <br />1 2-~1 -05 ~~,/7R ~R~ <br />1~-31-07 1R/h9 ~h~ <br />12-31 -08 1 OJ46 ~~% <br />15. Describe on-site child care or day care facilities, services or benefits currently <br />offered or proposed to be offered by the Petitioner for children of employees. <br />16. What is your best estimate of the market value of the new Equipment after <br />installation? $ 950 , 000 <br />17. What is your best estimate of the amount of taxes to be abated during each of <br />the five years after installation? $2009-$7,000 2010-$8300 2011-$1300 <br />2012-$700 2013-$300 Total=$17,600 <br />18. What is the commitment your firm will make to minority employment during <br />the five years of tax abatement? <br />Our history of minority hiring has been good and we fully ;nrPn~l <br />to continue this committment to our community. <br />(Revised 8/2/02) 3 <br />