2 2 Tuesda y, Ynrch 24th. , I93I.
<br />Bend am G` ryT Innd_ Co., Ad ri tion in nerve of C. S. Smogor.
<br />Calvert 6treet Trunk Sewer, Resolution 1' o.I070, Lot No.63 in Revised:
<br />Plat of South,. Bend and Cary- Land Co., Ac~d Lion.
<br />Gmd e, curb, wa.Ik, pavement and sevier in Coquillard goods Addition
<br />under hesolution No, I652, Lot I83 CoquAllard Woods Addition.
<br />Water 'ai. ns in (-'ociui llard 4400ds addition under Resolution 1`yo. I706
<br />lot No.I83 Cornxillard Woods Addition.
<br />Gas Mains in Coquillard Woods Add itio=n under Resolution No.I7I7,
<br />lot No.283 Coauillard l oods Add.i ti on.
<br />resolutions: "his being the date set, hearings were had on the following vacation
<br />Va cp t ion hesolution No.2423 for the v< ca tion of the a l ley south of
<br />Ford_ Street from `warren Street to C,rli.sle, except north and south cross alley. (See
<br />files for copy of resolution.)
<br />Vnca ti can Resolution No.2424 for the vacation of the alley south of
<br />Ford. Street _('rom Phillippa Street to Olive Street, except north and south cross alley.
<br />(See files for copy of resolution.) ,�
<br />Vac Lion Resolution i,o.2425 for
<br />Jefferson Street from. Na ley Street to Bendix Drive,
<br />(See files for coT;sT of resolution.)
<br />the vacation of the alley south of
<br />except north and south cross alley.
<br />Vn.ca tion Resolution. i`To.2426 fcr the vacation of the alley north of
<br />Rupel Street from Broo'_'ield Street to the east line of the alley west of Brookf4.eld
<br />Street. (See files for copy of resolution.)
<br />In all of the above named vacation resolutions, no remonstr-tors
<br />ampe.� red -nd no , rit ten. remonstrances we -e filed and the Board, being fully advised in
<br />the premises, decides to take final action on said, vacation resolu+ions and declares
<br />same in all things ratified , confimed and approved.
<br />The Board now orders that lists or rolls be prepared of all owners
<br />a:.nd. holders. of property and. of valuable interests therein sought to be ta.'-en, which
<br />list or roll shall also descrilre the property beneficially affected by such vacations.
<br />This being the date set, hearing eras had on Vacation Resolution
<br />NO.2427 for the vacation of parts of Derry Avenue, Fremont Street, Orange Street and
<br />Ealey Street, and parts of the north and sout'i alleys, intersecting with T.`erry Avenue
<br />being all in End Subdivision in the City- of South Bend, Indian,-.
<br />In the above named. vac,--tion resolution No.2427, J. v1. llclnerny,
<br />representing the Chicago, South Shore and gout-,- Bend Railway Company, was -present, Tnd
<br />the Board adopted the foll(xving Confirmatory Resolution Ilo.2427:
<br />Vacation of -rts of Lerr,, Avenue, Fremont Street, Orange Street,
<br />:7,n d Kale zT Street , and parts of the north and south alleys mntersect
<br />ing vri t' I«err77 Avenue , beam a 11 in Kest End Sub(' ivsion in the
<br />Ci tyT Of South Bend, Indiana..
<br />ii
<br />VJ EREAS, the Boa rd. o f Public �'�orl of the C itzT of South Bend , County
<br />of St. Joseph nncl St< te of Inca 1enr, did, on the 3rd., cad; of T arch I93I ddopt a resolute
<br />tion that it desires am deemed it necessary to vacate parts of L,-errtr Lvenue, Frerpnt
<br />Street, Orange Street, and Katey Street, and darts of the north arid south alleys inter-
<br />secting vritr Tv-erry Avenue in giest End Subdivision in Section Ten (I0) North, Range Tvro
<br />(2) East, in the City- of Sou,; Bend, County of Wit. Joseph and State of Indiana. The
<br />parts of sid public streets and alleys to be v^c^ ted are described as follows:
<br />All that part of r:=error Avenue. Pnd all that nart of all intersecting
<br />streets --end allejrs lying south of a. line perallel to, ^nc sixty --six (66) feet distant
<br />n^rthe rlyT from, by rectangular ire asures=ent, the southerly- line of Terry Avenue, and
<br />lying between the wrest line of Olive Street and the eest line of Meade Street more
<br />particul^rly described as f�11ows:
<br />Beg'innincr at the southeast corner of Lot Numbered One (I) in ,Vest
<br />End Subdivision to the City of South Bend , St. Joseph County, In::iana. ; thence northvrest
<br />erly along the southerly line of said. Lot Numbered One (I) in said "Zest End Subdivision
<br />to the west line of said Lot, being also the east line of a public elley; thence north
<br />along the east line of said public alley to a point sixty-six (66) feet distaint norther-
<br />ly from, by rectangular measurement, the southerly;- line of I..'erry Avenue; thence north-
<br />westerly on a line parallel to, and sixty-six (66) feet distant northerly- from, by
<br />rectangular measurement, the southerly line of 1,Terry Avenue , to a point on the east line
<br />of Lot Nineteen (19) in said West End Subdivision; thence south along the east line of
<br />said. Lot Nineteen (19) to the northerly line of Iuerry "_venue; thence northwesterly along
<br />the northerly line of T-=erry Avenue, being also t'-e southerly line of Lots I.'ineteen
<br />( 29) , T:venty ( 20) , TwTentyT-One (2I) Tien ty- two (22) and l'�rBnty-three (23) In said. est
<br />R nd bubel i_vi si on to the east line of Fremont Street; thence north along theeas t line of
<br />Fremont Street to e. point sixty-six (66) feet distant northerly from, b7T rectangular
<br />measurement, thie southerly line of 1"Terry Avenue; thence northwesterly on a. line 1..rallel
<br />to, nnc? sixty-six (66) feet distant northerly from by recta.n.gular measuremrent, the
<br />southerlyr line of Ferry Avenue to a point on the nest line of Fremont Street; thence
<br />south to the northerly line of 14�erry Avenue, being the s- utheast scorner of Lot Numbered
<br />0
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