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authority ("Governmental authority" for purposes of this provision shall not include the <br />South Bend Redevelopment Authority, the City of South Bend, Indiana, , or the St. <br />Joseph County Airport Authority), or failure of supply or inability by the exercise of <br />reasonable diligence, to obtain supplies, parts, or employees necessary to furnish such <br />services, or because of war or other emergency, or for any cause due to any act or neglect <br />of the other party hereto, or in servants, agents, employees, any assignee, or successor in <br />interest to such other party. The time within which such services, payments, or actions <br />shall be performed or rendered shall be extended for a period of time equivalent to the <br />delay of such cause. <br />SECTION 20 <br />COMPLIMENTARY PLAY AND PRIVILEGES <br />20.1 Complimentary Play and Privileges for Manager. Owner and Manager <br />agree that employees of Manager are entitled to complimentary golf course and practice <br />range privileges, consistent with normal golf industry standards and practices. Playing <br />and practice privileges for employees shall be available to employees on personal time <br />only, on a space available basis, at the discretion of the Facility Manager. Employees <br />may not make advance tee time reservations for complimentary play. Guests or family <br />members accompanying employees shall pay full applicable fees. Employees and their <br />guests shall conform with all policies that apply to the paying public utilizing the Golf <br />Course. <br />20.2 Complimentary Play and Privileges for Owner. Except as provided herein, <br />Owner and Manager agree that no complimentary playing privileges shall be granted to <br />Owner's employees or any public official. Owner shall maintain an account with <br />Manager at the Golf Course which designated officials may use for Owner-related <br />marketing purposes. Each month Manager shall bill Owner for all charges on this <br />account. <br />20.3 Complimentary Play and Privileges for Marketing. For purposes of <br />marketing the Golf Course, Manager may elect to grant complimentary playing privileges <br />to golf professionals, sponsors of potential golf events at the Golf Course, prospective <br />corporate site purchasers, or others, who, in the opinion of Manager, can promote the <br />Golf Course, bring business to the Golf Course, or help the Golf Course reach its <br />marketing goals with respect to local, state, regional or national recognition. Manager is <br />to keep a log of all such complimentary rounds, stating the name of the individual and the <br />marketing purpose. At Owner's discretion, restrictions may be placed on the granting of <br />complimentary playing privileges by Manager. <br />20.4 Merchandise Purchases by Manager's Employees. At the discretion of <br />Manager, employees of Manager may be permitted to purchase golf shop merchandise at <br />a discount price. The maximum allowable discount is a price that is 10% over the <br />wholesale price paid by Manager for the item being purchased. Employees of Manager <br />-29- <br />