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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Annual Organizational Meeting -January 4, 2010 <br />WAIVER OF 30 DAY NOTICE FOR OF <br />ENVIRONMENTAL DISCLOSURE FOR AIRGAS <br />ACQUISITION <br />continued... <br />underground storage tank which was removed. <br />Environmental assessments have shown no evidence of <br />hazardous waste. Airgas feels that they should file that <br />disclosure form also. For the form to be filed, the <br />purchaser must be given 30 days notice. As the <br />purchaser, the Redevelopment Commission may waive <br />the 30 day notice so closing can take place on January 6. <br />Upon a motion by Mr. Downes, seconded by Ms. King <br />and unanimously carried, the Commission waived the <br />30-day Notice period for environmental disclosure for <br />purchase of the Airgas property on Lafayette St. <br />8. ADJOURNMENT <br />There being no further business to come before the <br />Redevelopment Commission, Mr. Downes made a <br />motion that the meeting be adjourned. Ms. King <br />seconded the motion and the meeting was adjourned at <br />10:17 a.m. <br />Donald E. Inks, Director <br />COMMISSION WAIVED THE 30-DAY NOTICE <br />PERIOD FOR ENVIRONMENTAL DISCLOSURE FOR <br />PURCHASE OF THE A[RGAS PROPERTY ON <br />LAFAYETTE ST <br />ADJOURNMENT <br />4 <br />