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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting -December 18, 2009 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (CONT.) <br />B. Airport Economic Development Area <br />(4) continued... <br />11.1 SWOT Analysis. Delayed pending <br />result of additional research by Notre Dame. <br />11.2 Competitor Analysis. Delayed because <br />of anticipated findings from Notre Dame. <br />While some activities have been delayed, <br />there have been increased efforts in other <br />areas, particularly in the creation of video <br />content for use online and in other sources. <br />Staff recommends extending the contract to <br />June 1, 2010. No additional money is <br />committed in this extension. <br />Upon a motion by Mr. Downes, seconded by <br />Mr. Alford and unanimously carried, the <br />Commission approved the Extension <br />Addendum to Consulting Agreement with <br />Blue Waters Group, Inc. <br />(5) Proposal for Professional Services <br />(Additional services for AEDA legal <br />description) <br />Mr. Schalliol noted that Abonmarche was <br />hired to provide survey services to correct <br />and clarify the legal description for the <br />Airport Economic Development Area. There <br />were more problems with the existing <br />description than we realized and they need to <br />spend more time correcting it. The <br />additional fee will be $3,500. The total cost <br />of the new legal and supporting maps will be <br />$7,900. Staff recommends approval. <br />COMMISSION APPROVED THE EXTENSION <br />ADDENDUM TO CONSULTING AGREEMENT W[TH <br />BLUE WATERS GROUP, INC. <br />9 <br />