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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting -December 18, 2009 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (CONT.) <br />B. Airport Economic Development Area <br />(1) Preliminary Application and Final <br />Application for Grant from American <br />Recovery & Reinvestment Act Revolving <br />Loan Fund (Environmental Remediation <br />of Former Railroad Property south of <br />former Studebaker Stamping Plant) <br />Ms. Kolata noted that the City of South Bend <br />is the recipient of several grants from the <br />EPA. This first one is a revolving loan fund <br />grant to the city, but it can be sub-granted out <br />to anon-profit agency or a unit of local <br />government. We are asking that the <br />Redevelopment Commission apply for a <br />subgrant of up to $200,000 to do soil <br />remediation on former railroad property. If <br />the Commission authorizes the applications, <br />they would be submitted to the Board of <br />Public Works for approval. After approval <br />there would still be a number of steps to <br />complete before all of the work could begin. <br />It is expected that the remediation would <br />begin late spring or early summer. <br />Upon a motion by Mr. Downes, seconded by COMMISSION AUTHORIZED MAKING <br />Mr. Varner and unanimously carried, the APPLICATION FOR A GRANT FROM THE <br /> <br />Commission authorized making application AMERICAN RECOVERY & REINVESTMENT ACT <br /> <br />for a Grant from the American Recovery & REVOLVING LOAN FUND (ENVIRONMENTAL <br />REMEDIATION OF FORMER RAILROAD PROPERTY <br />Reinvestment Act Revolving Loan Fund SOUTH OF FORMER STUDEBAKER STAMPING <br />(Environmental Remediation of Former PLANT) <br />Railroad Property south of former <br />Studebaker Stamping Plant) <br />(2) Preliminary Application and Final <br />Application for Grant and Loan from <br />EPA Funded Citywide Revolving Loan <br />Fund (Environmental portion of <br />demolition costs at former Studebaker <br />Foundry) <br />6 <br />