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Bill No. 57-09 -Rezoning 616 N. St. Peter <br />Bill No. 09-60 -Special Exception 616 N. St. Peter <br />For purposes of public hearing Vice-Chairperson Oliver Davis allowed Bill Nos. 57-09 <br />and 09-60 to be heard together. Christa Nayder, Staff Planner, Area Plan Commission, <br />reported that the request was for rezoning from SF2 to MF1 to allow for student rental to <br />more than 2non-related individuals. The special exception would allow up to 5 non- <br />related individuals to live in the MF 1 property. Ms. Nayder reported the Area Plan <br />Commission hearing resulted in an unfavorable recommendation to Council. The Area <br />Plan Commission's rationale was stated as one in support of returning the block to single <br />family use. This position is in concert with the Northeast Neighborhood Development <br />Plan favoring single family use. The Area Plan Commission sent Bill No. 09-60 for the <br />Special Exception with no recommendation. <br />Vice-Chairperson Oliver Davis then asked the petitioner to state his case. <br />Frank Perri a Real Estate Developer and stated friend of the petitioner spoke first. He <br />said, in effect the desire for single-family use in this block through well-intentioned was <br />too little, too late. He said the block and neighborhood were already multi-family in <br />character. In fact two apartment buildings were recently built at the end of the block and <br />five homes on the block were already legal non-conforming student rentals. To prevent a <br />rezoning request would be an injustice, even possibly regarded as arbitrary and <br />capricious. <br />The petitioner Mr. Dragovich echoed Perri's arguments. He aid a refusal to rezone would <br />unfairly punish him for trying to do things correctly by the book. <br />Councilmember Ann Puzzello, District Councilmember in the azea, member of the Area <br />Plan Commission, and the Near Northeast Neighborhood Group, spoke opposed to the <br />petition. She restated the Area Plan Commission's opinion against. In addition she <br />recounted the Near Northeast Neighborhood's opposition to additional student housing as <br />well as her own efforts as Councilmember to control off-campus student rowdiness. She <br />asked the Council to support her efforts to draw the line on additional student rentals. <br />Bill Stenz, resident of the NNE, spoke in opposition to the rezoning also taking Mark <br />Kramer, a landlord with many student rentals in the area, to task for the operation of <br />rentals in violation of zoning codes. <br />