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Staff Report 8/4/2017 <br /> Utilities: <br /> The site will be served by municipal water and sewer. <br /> Agency Comments: <br /> The City Engineer commented that the Department of Public Works recommends approval <br /> subject to completion of a utility verification form; approval of sidewalk, curb cut, lighting <br /> and overall site improvement to reflect the Master Plan for the surrounding area; approval <br /> of a draining plan; and verification of required (if any)waivers. They suggest investigating <br /> the line of site on the western approach to the site and shifting the driveway on building 30 <br /> to the north. <br /> Community Investment offers a favorable recommendation subject to the following site <br /> plan suggestions: The houses facing Rosemary Lane (Lots 1, 2, and 30) should be rear <br /> loaded and accessed internally from the site. The street facing side of the Ironwood Drive <br /> and Rosemary Lane houses (Lots 1, 2, 15, 16, 17, and 30) should be fully designed as the <br /> front of the house-While these houses have front porches,their 60'length allows the <br /> possibility of sections of blank wall. To mitigate this, street-facing windows could be <br /> added to the rear of the garage. As they will be viewable from the streets and have a <br /> prominent place at the end of the project entry drives,the houses on Lots 14 and 29 should <br /> have a porch that turns the corner and/or have special building articulation at the front <br /> corner. To concentrate the visual impact of garage entries,the houses on Lots 15 and 30 <br /> should be flipped to provide driveways at the end of the internal drives (similar to Lot 17). <br /> To avoid too regimented an appearance of the houses, the houses should employ varying <br /> fagade treatments/articulation, building materials, window styles, colors, or other similar <br /> approaches even if the basic floor plan is identical. The petitioner may consider reducing <br /> the number of houses in the project by two, eliminating one from each of the east-west <br /> rows. This would allow: A north-south sidewalk to be installed to provide additional <br /> access to the central green and to offer a small break in the massing of the units (walk <br /> could be installed between Lots 8 and 9 and Lots 23 and 24 or could be offset to stagger <br /> slightly the middle units to the east and west); Provide the houses on Lots 3 and 29 with a <br /> western side yard: and Lessen or eliminate the need for a front yard setback variance for <br /> the houses along Rosemary Lane and Ironwood Drive. The parking bays along the north <br /> and south property lines have 4-6 spaces between tree islands. A pattern of 2 spots, 1 tree <br /> should be employed to provide additional landscaping and to break up and reduce the <br /> paved area. Parking space counts will be reduced somewhat, but the total parking proposed <br /> is nearly 3.5 times the ordinance requirement. The installation of the privacy fence along <br /> the south property line should not create any significant no-man's land between it and any <br /> existing fences of the Peachtree Lane properties. DCI has not seen the list of requested <br /> variances but would generally be supportive of front and side yard variances to achieve the <br /> layout proposed on the preliminary site plan or something similar. <br /> The Building Department noted that because of the nature and orientation of the interior <br /> units at this location, and for the sake of clarity, it is more important to reference the north <br /> and south ends of the buildings that face the interior courtyard and include the front door, <br /> as the front and the opposite ends as being the rear. The east and west units along <br /> Ironwood and Rosemary will have typical fronts and other yard references. <br /> Commitments: <br /> Staff is requesting a written commitment: 1)properties adjacent to Ironwood and <br /> APC # 2836-17 Page 2 of 4 <br />