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Whereas, it is believed that there are ways to promote the South Shore Line plans for faster transportation <br /> service between the cities of South Bend and Chicago, which is for the betterment of the residents who live in <br /> the City of South Bend as it relates to their transportation needs and at the same time promote saving the homes <br /> in the Ardmore Neighborhood, which is in keeping with the South Bend Common Council's Mission Statement: <br /> To make certain that our City Government is always responsive to the needs of our residents &that the <br /> betterment of South Bend is always our highest priority - <br /> the-south-shore-line-reroute-and-decrease-ride-time; <br /> https://www.southbendin. og_v/szovemment/department/common-council. <br /> Whereas, being sensitive to the residents of the Ardmore Neighborhood and to assure fair compensation and <br /> assistance as outlined in Federal Uniform Relocation Assistance And Real Property Acquisition For Federal and <br /> Federal Assisted Programs og v/legsregs/directives/fapg/cfr4924a.htm, <br /> The following actions are respectfully being requested of the South Bend Common Council to the South Bend <br /> Redevelopment Commission for its thoughtful consideration: <br /> Section I. That the $25 million dollars of tax funds from the River West TIF Fund be solely approved with the <br /> understanding of the following specifics: <br /> that no TIF funds for construction be committed until such time that an economic impact <br /> analysis is performed and made available to the public; <br /> • that the decision regarding the rerouting of the South Shore Tracks includes a rerouting <br /> plan that preserves houses in the Ardmore Neighborhood area, to the maximum extent feasible, as <br /> informed by more than one firm that has expertise in the areas of architectural, engineering and <br /> surveying industry and with the public involvement with the Ardmore Neighbors who are affected by <br /> the rerouting plans; <br /> • that if any house in the Ardmore Neighborhood is acquired in the rerouting of the South <br /> Shore Tracks,those affected will be made financially whole as outlined in the Federal Uniform <br /> Relocation Assistance And Real Property Acquisition For Federal and Federal Assisted Programs <br /> og v/le sg_regs/directives/fapa/cfr4924a.htm <br /> • that the City of South Bend will assure the citizens of the River West TIF district that any <br /> of the TIF funds which are used to reroute the South Shore Tracks will be reimbursed to the River West <br /> TIF district to the maximum extent possible from state and/or federal sources within a time frame not to <br /> exceed five years. <br /> Section II. This resolution shall be enacted upon the passage of the South Bend Common Council and signed <br /> by the Mayor of South Bend, Indiana <br /> .l,•un <br /> Oliver J. Davis, 6`"District Karen L. White, At Large <br /> Common Council Vice President <br /> Regina Williams Preston,2nd District John Voorde,At Large <br />