<br /> Councilmember Regina Williams-Preston, 838 North Elmer Street, South Bend, IN, served as
<br /> the presenter of this bill. Councilmember Williams-Preston welcomed Indonesia Brown to join
<br /> her at the podium and read the text of the resolution to the Council and public. Councilmember
<br /> Williams-Preston then invited family members of Ms. Brown to speak.
<br /> Dr. Kenneth Spells, Superintendent of the South Bend Community School Corporation, South
<br /> Bend, IN, stated, I am so proud, today, to be here to recognize Indonesia Brown. This is a
<br /> favorite part of my job, recognizing students—graduation and recognizing students. Dr. Spells
<br /> stated that Ms. Brown has a 3.8467 GPA, that she is an Ivy student, a Mock Trial State
<br /> participant, Best Witness Award winner at the Regional Mock Trial Competition, a member of
<br /> the Mayor's Youth Task Force, a member of the John Adams High School Drug and Alcohol
<br /> Prevention Program, a member of the John Adams High School Band, Student Body President,
<br /> and a member of Team South Bend. Dr. Spells stated, Thank you for recognizing one (1) of our
<br /> students.
<br /> Samuel Brown, 222 East Navarre Street, South Bend, IN, thanked Mayor Buttigieg for starting
<br /> the Youth Task Force. Mr. Brown also thanked the Council for the signing of the resolution, and
<br /> thanked Interim Council Attorney Aladean DeRose for composing the resolution. He thanked Dr.
<br /> Spells for being present at the meeting and speaking of Indonesia Brown's accomplishments. He
<br /> stated that the person responsible for keeping the Brown family together was her grandmother,
<br /> Lucy Brown.
<br /> Jasmine Brown, 230 Sadie Street, South Bend, IN, stated, Proud community member, proud
<br /> neighbor, and also tonight, a very, very proud mom. To Indonesia: eagles fly high—not to make
<br /> others feel inferior, but to reach new heights. Soar above the storms and the clouds, and
<br /> encourage others to look up and soar higher, as well. Ms. Brown stated that there are three (3)
<br /> rules that her household lives by: to act as if someone is watching; to not squander the blessings
<br /> given by God, or they will be given to someone more deserving; to treat the family name like a
<br /> brand name. She stated that her daughter has achieved more than she has, and in less time,
<br /> expressing thanks for the role models Indonesia has had in her life as she aspires to become
<br /> President of the United States of America. She stated, Indonesia, I'm so proud of you. I only wish
<br /> I could be half the person that you are one day.
<br /> Lucy Brown, 222 East Navarre Street, South Bend, IN, stated, I was there when this child was
<br /> born...and she's been on the move ever since. Ms. Brown congratulated her granddaughter, then
<br /> revealed that Indonesia did not initially realize that she was being recognized this evening.
<br /> Indonesia Brown, 230 Sadie Street, South Bend, IN, stated, I just want to clarify: Yes, before I
<br /> was given this award, I thought my grandpa was receiving an award. So, earlier in the day I was
<br /> leaving football practice, going home, getting dressed, thinking my grandpa was going to receive
<br /> an award. Then, all of a sudden they're all looking at me and I'm so confused, and they say,
<br /> "You didn't read the gigantic board that has your name right there?" Well, this is just great, and I
<br /> would like thank you all for presenting me with this award.
<br /> Councilmember Randy Kelly stated, Indy: wow, Best Witness Regional, by the way—that's big.
<br /> The resolution would have been a lot shorter if they had listed things that you don't do. Except, I
<br /> think it would have been empty. I'm so impressed with the work you've done. It just shows your
<br /> commitment to the work, and that's so impressive to me. Congratulations. It's so well-deserved.
<br /> Thank you for doing what you do.
<br /> Councilmember Jo M. Broden stated, Congratulations to you. You overlap our children and I see
<br /> you literally everywhere at Adams, in every setting. The really cool thing right from the get-go is
<br /> that you don't just show up. You're in deep. You're committed, and it's really obvious. You are a
<br /> leader. Embrace it. No one needs to tell you that, because it's all over. You see it, everybody sees
<br /> it around you. I want to thank you for your leadership among your classmates and within our
<br /> community. We are looking forward to hearing about all your accomplishments ahead. Great
<br /> work and congratulations.
<br /> Councilmember Dr. David Varner stated, Wow. I'm not sure there's anything I can add to that.
<br /> What I see is a very successful young lady who has had great guidance all around. If you can
<br /> take that and keep that in mind, you'll be fine. Keep it up. Congratulations.
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