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CERTIFICATE OF RECORDING OFFICER <br /> The undersigned hereby certifies that,- <br /> 1. He is the duly qualified and acting City Clerk of the City of South Bend, <br /> Indiana, (hereinafter called the "Locality"), and the custodian of the records of <br /> the Locality, including the minutes of the proceedings of the Common Council <br /> (hereinafter called the "Governing Body"), and is duly authorized to execute this <br /> certificate. <br /> 2. Attached hereto is a true and correct copy of a resolution, including the <br /> WHEREA. clauses, adopted at a meeting of the Governing Body held on the <br /> day of , 1964, (hereinafter called the "Resolution of the <br /> Governing Body"). <br /> 3o The Resolution of the Governing Body has been duly recorded in the minutes <br /> of said meeting and is now in full force and effect. <br /> 4. Said meeting was duly convened and held in all respects in accordance with <br /> law and the bylaws of the Locality. To the extent required by law or said bylaws, <br /> due and proper notice of said meeting was given. A legal quorum of members of <br /> the Governing Body was present throughout said meeting, and a legally sufficient <br /> number of members of the Governing Body voted in the proper manner for the <br /> adoption of the Resolution of the Governing Body. All other requirements and <br /> proceedings under law, said bylaws, or otherwise, incident to the proper adoption <br /> of the Resolution of the Governing Body, including any publication, if required by <br /> law, have been duly fulfilled, carried out, and otherwise observed. <br /> 5� If the seal appears below, it constitutes the official seal of the Locality and <br /> was duly affixed by the undersigned at the time this certificate was signed. If no <br /> seal appears below, the Locality does not have and is not legally required to have <br /> an official seal.. <br /> IN WI NESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has hereunto set his hand this .5 day <br /> of 1964 . <br /> City Clerk <br /> -3- <br /> GN 304 <br />