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Section 3.4. Developer Duties Under Indenture. The Developer agrees to perform all <br /> matters provided by the Indenture to be performed by the Developer and to comply with all <br /> provisions of the Indenture to be complied with by the Developer. <br /> Section 3.5. Assignment Sale or Other Disposition of Project. Any sale, lease or other <br /> disposition of the Project or any portion thereof is subject to the conditions of Section 3.10 <br /> hereof. <br /> Section 3.6. Trustee's Right to Perform Developer's Covenants; Advances. If the <br /> Developer shall fail to (i) complete or cause the completion of the construction of the Project, or <br /> (ii) fail to make any payment or perform any other act required to be performed hereunder, then <br /> and in each such case the Trustee, upon not less than 5 days' prior written notice to the <br /> Developer, may (but shall not be obligated to) remedy such default for the account of the <br /> Developer and make advances for that purpose. No such performance or advance shall operate <br /> to release the Developer from any such default, and any sums so advanced by the Trustee shall <br /> be repayable by the Developer on demand and shall bear interest at the Trustee bank's prime rate <br /> plus two percent(2%)from the date of the advance until repaid. <br /> Section 3.7. Indemnity. The Developer will pay, protect, defend, indemnify and save <br /> the Issuer, the Commission, the Redevelopment Commission and the Trustee harmless from and <br /> against, all liabilities, losses, damages, costs, expenses (including attorneys' fees and expenses of <br /> the Issuer and the Trustee), causes of actions, suits, claims, demands and judgments of any <br /> nature arising from or relating to the Project, or this Financing Agreement (except with respect to <br /> any breach of any of Issuer's or Trustee's covenants, agreements, representations or warranties <br /> included in this Financing Agreement and except for damage resulting from willful or negligent <br /> actions by the Trustee or the Issuer). If any proceeding is instituted for which indemnity may be <br /> sought under this Section 3.7, the party that may seek such indemnity shall notify the Developer <br /> and the Issuer in writing in a timely manner to allow the Developer to defend any action or claim <br /> in such proceeding. <br /> The indemnifications set forth herein shall survive the termination of this Financing <br /> Agreement and the resignation or removal of the Trustee. <br /> Section 3.8. Funding of Indenture Funds; Investments. The Issuer shall deposit with <br /> the Trustee proceeds from the sale of the Series 2017 Bonds in the manner specified in Article 3 <br /> of the Indenture, and the Trustee shall deposit such proceeds in the manner specified in such <br /> Article. <br /> The Developer and the Issuer agree that all moneys in any Fund established by the <br /> Indenture shall,at the written direction of the Developer, be invested in Qualified Investments. <br /> The Trustee is hereby authorized to trade with itself in the purchase and sale of securities <br /> for such investments, and may charge its ordinary and customary fees for such trades, including <br /> cash sweep account fees. The Trustee shall not be liable or responsible for any loss resulting <br /> from any such investment properly obtained in accordance with the Developer's direction. All <br /> such investments shall be held by or under the control of the Trustee and any income resulting <br /> therefrom shall be applied in the manner specified in the Indenture. Although the Issuer and the <br /> Developer each recognizes that it may obtain a broker confirmation or written statement <br /> - 10 - <br /> 1\1 1853148.2 <br />