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FINANCING AND COVENANT AGREEMENT <br /> This is a FINANCING AND COVENANT AGREEMENT dated as of June 1, 2017 <br /> ("Financing Agreement") between RDISTRICT TWO LLC, a limited liability company <br /> organized, existing and authorized to do business under the laws of the State of Indiana <br /> ("Developer"), and the CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA ("Issuer"), a municipal corporation <br /> duly organized and validly existing under the laws of the State of Indiana. <br /> PRELIMINARY STATEMENT <br /> Indiana Code, Title 36, Article 7, Chapters 11.9, -12, -14 and -25 (collectively, "Act")has <br /> been enacted by the General Assembly of Indiana. <br /> The Act provides that an Issuer may, pursuant to the Act, issue revenue bonds for the <br /> purpose of financing costs of economic development facilities, for diversification of economic <br /> development and promotion of job opportunities in or near the Issuer and vests the Issuer with <br /> powers that may be necessary to enable it to accomplish such purposes. <br /> WHEREAS, the South Bend ("City") Redevelopment Commission ('Redevelopment <br /> Commission") adopted a declaratory resolution on February 23, 1990 establishing the Airport <br /> Economic Development Area and the Airport Economic Development Area Allocation Area No. <br /> 1 ("1990 Declaratory Resolution"), which was effective as of that date and was confirmed by a <br /> confirmatory resolution adopted on June 27, 1990 ("1990 Confirmatory Resolution"). <br /> WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Commission adopted a declaratory resolution on <br /> April 16, 1993 establishing the Sample-Ewing Development Area and the Sample-Ewing <br /> Allocation Area (South Bend Allocation Area No. 8) ("1993 Declaratory Resolution"), which <br /> was effective as of that date and was confirmed by a confirmatory resolution adopted on May 21, <br /> 1993 ("1993 Confirmatory Resolution"). <br /> WHEREAS, the 1990 Declaratory Resolution, the 1990 Confirmatory Resolution, the <br /> 1993 Declaratory Resolution and the 1993 Confirmatory Resolution are hereinafter collectively <br /> referred to as the "Original Declaratory Resolution". <br /> WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Commission on June 19, 2007, adopted an amending <br /> declaratory resolution, as further amended on August 28, 2014 (collectively, as amended, <br /> "Amending Declaratory Resolution"), as confirmed by an amending confirmatory resolution <br /> adopted on July 20, 2007, as further amended on November 10, 2014 (collectively, "Amending <br /> Confirmatory Resolution"), consolidating, expanding and renaming the consolidated and <br /> expanded area the River West Development Area ("Area"), as an economic development area <br /> under 1C 36-7-14 and IC 36-7-25. <br /> WHEREAS, the Original Declaratory Resolution, the Amending Declaratory Resolution <br /> and the Amending Confirmatory Resolution are hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Area <br /> Resolution". <br /> WHEREAS, the Area Resolution approved the economic development plan,as amended <br /> ("Plan")for the Area which Plan contained specific recommendations for economic development <br /> in the Area, and the Area Resolution consolidated, expanded and renamed the consolidated and <br /> 1\1 1853148.2 <br />