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(i) stating that the Bond Project has been constructed and/or acquired, <br /> delivered and installed on the Bond Project site and the date of completion; <br /> (ii) stating that the Developer has made such investigation of such sources of <br /> information as are deemed by the Developer to be necessary and is of the opinion that the <br /> Bond Project has been fully paid for and that no claim or claims exist against the <br /> Developer or the Issuer or against the properties of either out of which a lien based on <br /> furnishing labor or material for the Bond Project exists or might ripen; provided, <br /> however, there may be excepted from the foregoing statement any claim or claims out of <br /> which a lien exists or might ripen in the event that the Developer or the Issuer intends to <br /> contest such claim or claims, in which event such claim or claims shall be described; <br /> provided, further, however, that it shall be stated that funds are on deposit in the <br /> Construction Fund sufficient to make payment of the full amount which might in any <br /> event be payable in order to satisfy such claim or claims. <br /> If such certificate shall state that there is a claim or claims in controversy which create or <br /> might ripen into a lien, there shall be filed with the Issuer and the Trustee a certificate of the <br /> Developer or Issuer when and as such claim or claims shall have been fully paid. <br /> (d) Disposition of Construction Fund Moneys After Completion. If, after payment by <br /> the Trustee of all orders theretofore tendered to the Trustee under the provisions of subparagraph <br /> (a) of this Section 4.3 and after receipt by the Trustee of the completion certificate mentioned in <br /> subparagraph (c) of this Section 4.3, there shall remain any balance of moneys in the <br /> Construction Fund, the Trustee shall transfer all moneys then in the corresponding account <br /> (except moneys reserved to pay any disputed claims described in the completion certificate <br /> required in Section 4.3(c) hereof) to the Bond Fund. The Trustee, as directed in writing by the <br /> Developer, shall use any amount transferred to the Bond Fund from the 2017 Bonds, to redeem <br /> the 2017 Bonds pursuant to Section 5.1(b)hereof at the earliest redemption date. <br /> Section 4.4. TIF Revenues. (a) Seven (7) days prior to each January 1, April 1, July 1 <br /> and September 1, commencing 1, 20_, the Issuer shall deposit with the Trustee an <br /> amount of TIF Revenues sufficient to pay, after taking into account amounts on deposit in the <br /> Bond Fund, the principal due on the next quarterly payment date which principal amount due <br /> shall equal, but not exceed, the total amount of construction advances made as of the seventh day <br /> prior to each quarterly payment date. The Issuer hereby covenants and agrees that so long as any <br /> of the Bonds issued hereunder are outstanding, it will transfer to the Trustee for deposit in the <br /> Bond Fund, a sufficient amount of TIF Revenues promptly to meet and pay the principal of the <br /> Bonds as the same becomes due and payable. Nothing herein should be construed as requiring <br /> Issuer to deposit or cause to be paid to Trustee for deposit in the Bond Fund, funds from any <br /> source other than the TIF Revenues. <br /> Section 4.5. Interest Payments. Seven (7) days prior to each January 1, April 1, July l <br /> and September 1, the Trustee shall calculate the amount of interest due on the next quarterly <br /> payment date and notify the Developer of the amount due immediately thereafter. Developer <br /> shall pay the amount of the interest due to the Trustee one (1) Business Day prior to the quarterly <br /> payment due date. <br /> -22 - <br /> 1\11860514.2 <br />