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OBJECTIVE: A community program to relocate families displaced by governmental action indecent, <br /> safe, and sanitary housing within their means. Governmental action includes code enforcentent,slum <br /> clearmrce, and the construction of highways and other public works. <br /> A. 1. What Agency has been officially designated to determine needs and to develop plans to meet <br /> the relocation housing needs of families displaced as a result of: <br /> . Redevelopment Department _ <br /> Urban Renewal Projects p - <br /> Other Governmental Action_ Redevelopment Department <br /> 2. ' What Agency has been officially designated to provide relocation assistance for families dis- <br /> placed as a result of: <br /> Urban Renewal Projects Redevelopment Department <br /> Other Governmental Action --- <br /> 3. What Agency is responsible for coordinating or centralizing planning, relocation assistance and <br /> action toward making standard housing available for displaced families? <br /> Redevelopment Department_-- _B. 1. Outline in the following table the number of families actually displaced by various types of <br /> governmental action during the preceding year, ending December 1967 <br /> Month and Year <br /> TYPE OF GOVERNMENTAL ACTION NUMBER OF FAMILIES DISPLACED• <br /> TOTAL WHITE NONWHITE <br /> URBAN RENEWAL PROJECTS' -- -- " <br /> PROJECT NAME LaSalle Park Indiana R-57 100 6 94__ <br /> t <br /> I <br /> PROJECT NAME — — <br /> PROJECT NAME <br /> P' <br /> PROJECT NAME __ __ --- — <br /> HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION I ' <br /> i <br /> 60 15 45 <br /> CODE ENFORCEMENT <br /> OTHER? <br /> TOTAL <br /> 160 21 139 <br /> I Assisted and non-assisted projects. Displacement caused by code enforcement, highway and other public con- <br /> struction in a project area should be counted as project displacement. <br /> Identify by name of project or type of activity. Include families displaced by the acquisition of land for public <br /> housing or other public purposes and by the removal of over-income families from public housing, etc. <br /> 3 The racial breakdown may be eliminated for any community in which it is a substantiated fact that all <br /> housing resources, public and private, are fully available to all families without regard to race. <br /> v. <br /> 19 <br />