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ORDINANCE NO. <br />AN ORDINANCE ANtENDI�Ti G THE ZONING ORDINANCE FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT <br />1302 IIIGPI STREET, SOUTH REND, INDIANA, COITNCILRAI®lIC DISTRICT 3 IN THE CITY <br />OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA <br />STATEMENT OF PURPOSE AND INTENT <br />The LangLab concept is to provide an entertainment, education and restaurant venue in <br />South Rend, Indiana. The establishment will provide alive entertainment venue; a caf6; <br />office space rental; cornponeut offering arts -based merchandise; living quarters for visiting <br />artists and lecturers, and venue recital services for the South Bend area. The building is <br />currently zoned under LI Light Industrial District. We should like to rezone it to MU Mixed <br />Use District. <br />NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Common Council of the City of South Bend, <br />Indiana as follows: <br />SECTION 1. Ordinance No. 9495 -04, is amended, which ordinance is commonly known as the Zoning <br />Ordinance of the City of South Bend, Indiana, be and the same hereby is amended in order that the zoning <br />classification of the following described real estate in the City of South Bend, St. Joseph County, State of <br />Indiana: <br />A lot or parcel of land in the Northeast Quarter of Section No, 13, in Township No. 37 North, Range <br />No. 2 East, now within and a part of the City of South Bend, bounded by a line running as follows, <br />viz: Beginning at a point 237.85 feet East of the East line of High Street and 245.85 feet South of the <br />South line Pennsylvania Avenue in the City of South Bend, (which is the southeast corner of a tract of <br />land heretofore conveyed to Industrial Canvas Products Corporation by a deed dated July 5, 1444); <br />thence East a distance of 155 feet, more or less, in line with the South line of said real estate heretofore <br />conveyed to Industrial Canvas Products Corporation, to the West line of a public alley; thence North <br />along the West line of said public alley to the South line of said Pennsylvania Avenue; thence <br />Northwesterly along the South line of said Pennsylvania Avenue to the point where it intersects the <br />point of said Nigh ,Street; thence South along the east line of sail Pennsylvania. Avenue to the point <br />where it intersects the point where it intersects the point of said High Street; thence South along the <br />East line of said High Street, a distance of 55.85 feet; thence East parallel with the South line of said <br />Pennsylvania Avenue, a distance of 237.85 feet; thence South to the place of beginning also the right to <br />ease, for all alley purposes, the alley way as presently existing on the North and on the East of the <br />building presently situate on said real estate heretofore conveyed to Industrial Canvas Products <br />Corporation; also subject to the rights of the successors and assigns of the aforesaid Industrial Canvas <br />Products Corporation to use for alley purposes, all that part of the alley way aforesaid which is on the <br />real estate above described. Also the West Half Lf a 14 foot vacated alleyway extending North and <br />South along the East boundary of the above described real estate. <br />Subject to taxes for the year 2008, due and payable in 2009, and taxes for all subsequent years <br />Subject to covenants, restrictions and easeanents of record. <br />be and the same is hereby established as W Mixed Use District. <br />